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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by DaysOff

  1. Had Hulk on a flight to Tampa once. Couldn't have been nicer. What a sweetheart.
  2. Dude, RGV is just like the upper east side.
  3. Probably what he meant but read the room ass wipe. Similar to tweeting the corona beer from the bar 2 years ago.
  4. I can't believe the leopard ate my face.
  5. At least the crippled ones whose dick doesn't even work.
  6. Everyday I wakeup and wonder who will be more embarrassing today: Texas or Florida. Well played aggys.
  7. Numbers 2 and 3 are absolutely coming to a state near you. Number 1 is a bridge too far. Even the good catholics don't seem to shit out 7 kids anymore. It's a miracle blessed Mary my seed didn't find your egg again!
  8. God damn. Not even a me too clause in this turd. My expectations were low and UAL ALPA still managed to go below that bar. Well done. Save us American Eagle, you're our only hope.
  9. Most of those were black babies that would have gone on a crime spree. Freakonomics proved it. Now you've done it Christo-fascists.
  10. Nothing should come between a woman and her doctor unless it's a Christian fascist.
  11. How did this guy get into UT Law?
  12. Lol. Do you even Katy and Woodlands bro
  13. Springs is the college station of Colorado with nice views.
  14. Like Trump did in 2018 and put 200+ US oil producers out of business.
  15. Jesus. That whole fucking thread. I guess recruits don't care. Take their money; get to the league and get out.
  16. Fletch is not breaking character like Futureman. Respect game.
  17. Need to quench your football thirst aboot now? Look to espn2. Montreal seems to have a new helmet logo, or I've never seen it before. Looks like a nazi eagle.
  18. Don't you people have pools?
  19. The only reason the streak was broken was because some midget aggy made a rape joke and people were appalled. You can't shock the modern GQP.
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