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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by 'stache

  1. But why would they say that? There’s never been a world where there was disagreement among OU\TX in joining the SEC. I remember that David Boren publicly tried to join the PAC without UT but we’re told no. Just one of many key mistakes by the now rotting corpse of the PAC.
  2. Fucking DBU, I’m so sick of them dominating us midweek every fucking year (last night they took the lead top of 9 so not dominated but super frustrated). I still think we’re hitting our stride, weeks past the injury wave, and DBU is a good opponent. Whether that translates to a post season run is yet to be seen, but while the conference overall may be down, this OSU squad is better than the last several years. Still swing at too much junk and give up too many long balls, but not as bad as the last few years. Really neeed to win this weekends KSU series.
  3. That Rudy isn’t the same as today’s Rudy. I seriously think he has dementia, or syphillis, or maybe even a tumor. I honestly can’t think of another famous person whose personality has changed this much in such a public way in such a short period of time without a medical explanation. He might also have been blackmailed. I just don’t understand it otherwise. America’s mayor, famous prosecutor (as you said in the most prominent US Atty position in the country), to the dumbest saddest most pathetic piece of shit imaginable. Just insane.
  4. This, it’s a good hire, but far from a sure thing. Pretending they “beat” UK in this thing is so aggy.
  5. But then all the plastic shit at Walmart would cost three times as much.
  6. I mean, it’s a fine hire, but the guy here and what I’ve seen elsewhere act like he’s John Wooden reincarnated, and that UK got “owned” or something. No way UK has any interest in this resume. What am I missing?
  7. Seriously, I've always assumed that he has people protecting him from seeing anything negative about him online or elsewhere, like the episode of South Park where Butters goes crazy after being forced to protect Cartman from online negativity against him.
  8. Considering that Trump isn’t actually that wealthy, this should be directed to all the billionaires and multi billion dollar corporations that avoid paying taxes.
  9. Don't give a single shit about anything coming out of Rand Paul's mouth. But setting that aside, let's suppose that someone can prove pretty strongly that China is responsible by either developing it and releasing it intentionally or negligently, or were negligent when it was discovered at a wet market, what next? Are we gonna go to war with China over the pandemic? We've had about a dozen and a half reasons to go to war with them over the years and haven't for fairly obvious reasons. So what does "holding China accountable" look like? It's a genuine question on my part, I just don't see what is supposed to happen, and why this would be different than the other bad stuff China does and has done over the decades.
  10. I sort of liked the football logo, but these look good, except the all black. Can't wait for that trend to end.
  11. There some really nice parts of Oklahoma, that area isn’t the prettiest, but even that part of the state has more trees. His lots looks to have been cleared out. I think he has some cows out there but still, for that money, how about some damn trees, for shade at least.
  12. It’s ugly as shit, lol, I’d need an extra $2 mil to clear out the Bass Pro motif. Checking with my accountant this weekend, if my refund is good enough, I might make an offer.
  13. He lost to the worst OSU team in 20 years, a truly awful squad. He’s not a good coach.
  14. One of my favorite sketches of all time that rarely is mentioned. So underrated.
  15. Their literal party platform is to obstruct and blame Biden. There aren't any "moderates" just some who pretend to talk moderate. Some years ago I'd be on board with compromise, but when it's only ever asked and expected from one side, and when that side always has to be the adult in the room, and still lose elections, I'd say hell no to compromise. At least under the current climate. If enough will support Jeffries, do it, if not, let them tear each other apart. There's no solutions either way, they want Russia to win, so Russia will win.
  16. Whatever sick shit you’re into, there’s a cave painting or ancient papyrus scroll depicting it, I guarantee. It’s the human condition.
  17. He said a young family should buy it for the pool and game rooms. What young family in Stillwater can afford a $8 mil house? The university president makes like $500k. Pretty sure the OSU Football Head Coach is the only person in the area with that kind of money.
  18. Damn, what’s going on in Kentucky? Two big time programs with weak hires considering their expectation and standards.
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