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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by 'stache

  1. So it begins, MOAR!!
  2. It makes sense if you believe, as the post expressly does, that all 2 million Gazans are Hamas. If that were true, then they all deserve to be wiped out, and its true to them, so it's all deserved.
  3. He's a piece of shit, a perfect match for baylor.
  4. Tha fuck did Elvis do? Cause he stole music styles from Black folks?
  5. Just here waiting for the memes to begin.
  6. I guess I don't really see it that way. They have the cache to make high profile sitting coaches seriously consider a move, but there are reasons those people would stay where they're at having little to do with the status of UK's program. I'm curious if they even asked Matt Painter, I doubt he would make the move, but it wouldn't be far geographically. Now, if they end up with Travis Ford or some mid-major guy like Louisville ended up with, then I'll join in the laughter.
  7. That guy is so dumb, didn't even use the right picture.
  8. And the ACC adds the Greenland Glaciers and the Indonesia Inuits to ensure they have all four ocean coasts covered, because reasons.
  9. I'm not convinced they really put their support behind DeSantis, Haley, et al. I think he is still good for them for reasons I can only speculate at this point, which I think has less to do with whose actually in office, and more to do with the degradation of American society in general. They just need a huge chunk of average workers to hate the government and to never question the billionaire class. If you dare discuss the causes of extraordinary wealth disparity, you're a woke socialist libtard.
  10. They could pull the plug on him at any moment. Instead they let him take the nomination and put his family in charge of the party. He obviously still offers them value. Chaos and destroying the rule of law in general comes to mind.
  11. If the carcinoma doesn't fit, you must acquit. The hearse better be a white bronco. Back to work, lol.
  12. Cancer denies causing the death and has hired Johnny Cochran while trying to find the real killer.
  13. I think @Gatorubet had an excellent post above, the wealthy have every advantage in our society, the legal system being just one of hundreds of examples. Any real fix will require an agreement among our people that maybe, just maybe, we can better regulate our form of capitalism. But 75% of our population would write you off as a dreaded "socialist." As a very narrow example, public defenders are criminally underpaid, so really promising lawyers rarely take those jobs, and the ones that do are way overworked with too many files. The solution is to hire a ton more public defenders and to pay them well. That requires more tax revenue. Guess what happens when someone dares suggest raising the marginal tax rate from 36% to maybe 39%, or somewhere above 40%, even though it would still be far less than the 90% rate during our countries most prosperous era? Especially when the pitch is to help poor people (you know lazy minorities who refuse to lift themselves up from their bootstraps and whatnot)? SOCIALIST! SOCIALIST! WOKE SOCIALIST! That's the country we live in today. There is no solutions that I can see ever getting any traction.
  14. Lol, for real. "Hey I'll offer you $XXX, but if you want more, I'm happy to pay more." In what fucking world does someone accept the offer? If course they'll ask for the higher price.
  15. I thought this sounded familiar, so I'll just quote myself here, still "asking questions" I see.
  16. Totality will hit my area in 2045, I fully intend to be alive that long.
  17. He’s the judge who decided the amount of the judgment as a fairly unprecedents $450 million, much of which is not restitution but penalties. If he wanted to fuck around he would have just set the judgment at $175 mil (or whatever the bond is). As has been said a bunch here, the bond is not to punish or dissuade appeals but to protect plaintiffs’ ability to collect. The dynamics are quite a bit different when it’s the state prosecuting the case and the judgement is largely penalties. Engeron isn’t fucking around. Trump is ultimately fucked and as I’ve argued before judgments before the election make no difference to his cult, he’ll get the same 80 million votes regardless of when these cases are concluded.
  18. From my office. I had a clear view from my window and had my glasses. We had 95% here and it got dim and spooky for a bit. Was kinda cool.
  19. I didn’t think the eclipse was a big deal, but why do so many people feel the need to rant against people who did? Local sports radio jock went off on it yesterday, calling people stupid for caring so much about something he considered lame, then had a 30 minute segment on golf. I found it hilarious because lots of people, including sports fans like myself, think golf is lame as shit, but that’s just my personal opinion. Let people like what they like for fucks sake.
  20. Oh for fucks sake, go fuck yourself Jerry. Willing to hire a real coach for your alma maters basketball team but not for your multi billion dollar NFL franchise. JFC I hate this man.
  21. Can see it clearly through my glasses from my office. The dimness over the city is kind of eerie.
  22. Pretty sure that every judge who has heard live testimony from him has deemed him not credible. If you want to be upset that perjury isn't prosecuted enough, I'm with you, because it very rarely gets invoked, and I think it's a problem, but it's not limited to celebrities, it's a problem across the board, in my opinion. He's also under scrutiny for his lies about the process in trying to secure a bond. He's fucked. It's going to take time, but he's not going to get away with anything, except maybe with Cannon. And like I said, the legal stuff is secondary to me, he needs to lose the fucking election. Afterward, let the system play out, he'll probably die before any real consequences, but death will be glorious.
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