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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. Got Moose's DNA results back. So he's going to be a big guard dog.
  2. We'll lose to OSU because of some really bizarre ref calls.
  3. Epitomizes the "fuck you, I got mine" culture that is totally on brand for their form of patriotism.
  4. https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/27/us/jacksonville-florida-shooting-sunday/index.html He went there first and was turned away
  5. So Russia finally killed a nazi. Special Operation is a great success!
  6. Waiting for meme with shark and moon, but now private jet
  7. Empathy for other living things confounds Republicans
  8. I wonder if he'll get to meet anyone in jail that he put there.
  9. I only listen to Zeihan to understand the structures that are invisible to the layman like myself. Past that, take things with a grain of salt. Still appreciate his perspective regardless.
  10. https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/27/politics/mitch-mcconnell-multiple-falls-this-year/index.html
  11. Now imagine a world where individuals can't buy a personal arsenal like that. Think fbi would go guns a blazing and kill that guy? Right wingers need some perspective of down stream implications to their passions.
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