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Everything posted by thrillhammer

  1. does anyone know if there is there still a driving range off the toll road near parmer?
  2. didnt emma+ollie permanently close?
  3. ive always preferred felix's myself. thats one way to go, and sounds delicious, but i prefer a little cream in my mussels, especially when dipping bread in the leftover broth.
  4. some great chefs booted the last three weeks running. my money is on congo or poland next.
  5. it is a pretty good show. lots of characters that are loose threads and need to all come together in the end - the rich oil lady/piano teacher and her cuckhold attorney (they may be innocent), the dickhead dad, the councilman, the rough, drunk-looking cop that seems to always be up to no good, the black gangster (he may be innocent), etc. i still dont get the story with della and her lovers and why they are telling it. i also am unclear on the nature of the tension around where drake is staying. they seem to be insulting him around the domino table. is it because he's not working or paying rent? arent they calling him an uncle tom too, or did i just imagine that? interesting that the last episode ended with shea wigham being asked about his relationship with perry. hopefully he comes clean to perry with what he was approached to do.
  6. there also has to be an arc to the ruthless dickhead grocer. why would they spend time on that story if it didnt tie into something? I hadnt thought about the rich lady having a part in this. i've thought all along it was the father. he was fighting with his son quite a bit, plus he seems to be threatened by perry investigating.
  7. i always thought she was hot, but seeing her nude was a nice surprise. i do wish they wouldnt spend so much time on her love story though. it makes me wonder if they arent intentionally trying to get us interested because they plan a spinoff. the show is called perry mason.
  8. fuck me. i didnt know it was closed. heading that way for 4 night mid-april, and it was a must stop for the visit, at least for a cold beverage. that sucks.
  9. i saw it, but don't remember much dramatic happening but it's possible i fell asleep. recap for me please. i remember some stuff about leon in africa, coming back and finding the hood in disarray, and pretty much everyone's storyline sinking like a rock. very depressing season so far. so much excess and living high on the hog up and now everyone is barely holding on.
  10. i was recently turned on to a cheap, easy weeknight meal - one package of shrimp ramen, and 1 lb of shrimp. it's actually pretty damn good, light, healthy, simple, quick, and affordable.
  11. absolutely the craziest person ive ever seen on the show. the expressions on her face say it before she even opens her mouth, and then there's usually some guttural shriek or scream or manly bass-toned groan. i would be sleeping on the beach if i were on her tribe. cant vote her out quick enough. she must realize she doesnt speak well because she was the quietest person at tribal. hardly said a word even when jeff addressed her.
  12. glad to see they're changing it up. the challenges seemed new, the idols seemed new, etc. i'd like to see the historical data for how many people that have gone off to a different island and come back and lied. how many tell the truth, how many lie? what a weird tribal that smacked of rookiedom. playing your shot in the dark right off the bat (which turned out to be stupid)? playing your idol right off the bat (which turned out to be smart)?
  13. you might look at condor and estwing as well. in that price range, well-made and highly-rated.
  14. i'm ready for someone to die. not a redeeming character on this show.
  15. What’s the tv schedule for the first round?
  16. because so few people have apple tv?
  17. and get his ass whupped by us in the cheez it bowl
  18. the past 2-3 seasons have been like that. it is cringey. the sappiness and heart sting manipulation is one thing, but he's also getting more blatant about tooting his own horn and playing up the show. one thing though, that contradicts the diversity emphasis that has been not so subtle, the only two black girls were one of the first two voted out. the only three guys that got votes last night were the only three black guys on the show.
  19. thrillhammer


    kids aint gonna eat that shit. there better be some cheese pizza on the menu if they want it to be family-friendly.
  20. or, god forbid, he were to throw it at the feet of a receiver that's fallen in the backfield.
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