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Everything posted by thrillhammer

  1. i dont really hate the show but both the predecessors you mentioned set a high bar. this is no game of thrones. its not a shit show, or a shitty show, but its not great either. characters are boring, dialog is boring, cgi is kinda cheesy. i'll keep watching because i like the history of the families. i wish they'd go into valeria, dorn, the vale, etc - other family histories, not just one local (two if you include driftmark). one of the many things that made game of thrones epic was because it showed us an entire world. it was grander in scale.
  2. we may have no bijan either. not going to be an easy game.
  3. the lhn didnt put the cam on patterson too much last week. didnt anyone notice what he was actually doing? i dont like him on the sidelines, you cant see shit from there. was he pulling the d line unit aside and talking to them? the lb's? db's? thats the only benefit to being on the sideline. if he wasnt yelling at players (or coaching as they call it), we'd be better served with him upstairs where he can see the formations better.
  4. don't act like you've seen a depth chart.
  5. we're obviously not doing the same drugs and alcohol.
  6. get that new-fangled streaming shit out of here. cable dont work like that, homes. you're probably too young to remember that back in the day, when people had cable, there actually has to be a cable. aint no sharing of passwords. you gotta have your own cable.
  7. what are our thoughts on the solo works of both gilmour and waters? i remember when pros and cons of hitchiking came out, there seemed to be some decent songs getting radio play. and there's no way out of here is one of the greatest songs ever written, so there's that, but i don't know much about the rest of that album.
  8. 20 is about his average from last season. i'd like to see him get worked a little harder. what i remember is him having a great gain on first down, then being sent to the sideline and we end up punting. give him the ball all three fucking downs and lets move the ball down the field. we were 10th out of 10, as i recall, in time of possession in the conference. it was not offensive guru caliber play-calling. hashtag do better.
  9. i agreed with your mom last night
  10. so i read through this thread and most of the posts are about bars and restaurants. i've never had any desire whatsoever to step one foot in oklahoma but have recently heard about the bob dylan museum, the woody guthrie museum, and leon russell's studio. plus, antiques roadshow filmed a couple of episodes at the fillbrook, and it looks worthwhile. might even squeeze in the gilcrease if i have time. then there's the black wall street stuff and some route 66 kitsch. i'm thinking 3 full days, but maybe 2 depending on vacation time. the restaurant/bar tips are helpful, but anybody been to any of these places? how much time do you think i'll need there?
  11. have had uverse for what seems like 20 years. price over the last 10 has skyrocketed but i refuse to disconnect. i love my cable and cant imagine living without it. besides, its fun to listen to all you dumbfucks squirm and struggle to figure out a way to get lhn.
  12. agreed. the keys are fantastic but you have to remain active to see and explore all the islands. if you want to plant your butt on some sugar sand and clear water head to the gulf. destin would also be nice but for kids panama city might be better.
  13. I’m believe I’m going with philly cheesesteaks.
  14. when i saw this thread i thought it was going to be about the mexican bologna craze.
  15. good lord, this thread sucks.
  16. you're kidding. that surprises me. i got transferred to austin in 2011 so havent kept up with SA much other than this thread.
  17. yes, that was it. i thought the menu and food was good there, but we were always practically the only couple in the place. who ran it, and whatever happened to it? is there a restaurant in the emily morgan now?
  18. young girls they do get wooly cuz of all the stress
  19. does anyone remember the name of the high end place at the emily morgan? this would have been in the mid-2000's.
  20. i think that's a bit harsh, and maybe even snobby from your standpoint. sure, she insulted lots of people by calling our food texmex, but to say she "denigrated regional variations" is not accurate. she has cookbooks that breakdown dishes by region of mexico. she wasnt dead when you posted this but is a legend and would be in the hall of fame with julia child and jacque pepin if there was one. she highlighted home cooks all over mexico. more to the thread topic, she has a recipe for moctezuma pie in one of her cookbooks, its like a layered (instead of rolled) enchilada casserole that calls for poblano peppers. I've made it with hatch and wouldnt make it any other way since.
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