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Everything posted by thrillhammer

  1. young girls they do get wooly cuz of all the stress
  2. does anyone remember the name of the high end place at the emily morgan? this would have been in the mid-2000's.
  3. i think that's a bit harsh, and maybe even snobby from your standpoint. sure, she insulted lots of people by calling our food texmex, but to say she "denigrated regional variations" is not accurate. she has cookbooks that breakdown dishes by region of mexico. she wasnt dead when you posted this but is a legend and would be in the hall of fame with julia child and jacque pepin if there was one. she highlighted home cooks all over mexico. more to the thread topic, she has a recipe for moctezuma pie in one of her cookbooks, its like a layered (instead of rolled) enchilada casserole that calls for poblano peppers. I've made it with hatch and wouldnt make it any other way since.
  4. Nobody ever has knee injuries in Wyoming
  5. thanks. thats where i saw it. this one is different though, or the same?
  6. i feel like i've seen this somewhere other than netflix, maybe 6 months or so ago. could it have been on another network first?
  7. cant wait for this thread to end. game week cant get here soon enough. not sure the team is ready, but i sure am.
  8. it's been on epix for a couple of weeks. great movie.
  9. i was thinking as i was watching the last episode how nice it would be if they would go back to the park setting. guests knowing who was a host, hosts knowing who was a guest, general fuckery. i liked the idea in the first season of the hosts questioning their existence and wanting to escape. that sounded like potential for a show, but they have gone off the rails with it. show needs to wrap up permanently post haste.
  10. thrillhammer


    whats up with grimaldis? i dont want to deal with the fucked up traffic and parking at the domain, so this pickup location on burnet seems perfect. the online ordering function never seems to work, and they dont answer their phone either. plus its a 737 area code?
  11. how was it? i had tickets but couldnt make it. bummed i missed it. was really more excited about will johnson but good looks is new to me so was interested in hearing something new. did they play separate sets or together?
  12. agree with all posts above. cinematography was outstanding.
  13. leem lubany? she's terrible imo. she was pretty good in the condor, and doing a serviceable job here. she's acting out the role she was given.
  14. i liked both, but maybe grace a shade better. hated michael's wife, everything about her. whatever happened to the horse trainer? i thought she'd be a bigger part of the show. really that was insignificant and could have been left out altogether. seemed to have no consequence.
  15. lots of bars there - CU29 on 7th and brazos, firehouse on 5th and brazos, roosevelt room on 5th, here nor there on 6th and brazos, small victory on 7th, etc. for dining, vince youngs, parkside, hestia. ive been itching to try the diner bar (7th and san jac) since the grey in savannah has always received such rave reviews. ive also never tried lonesome dove, and i'm a sucker for southwest cuisine.
  16. where downtown? do you want places within walking distance?
  17. glamping and car camping are ways to camp for people that dont like to camp. there are these things called hotels that serve the same purpose.
  18. never understood the glamping craze. or car camping either for that matter.
  19. we lost just as much, if not more, as every other school, just not to the draft. lots to prove. 7-5 would be a step, maybe not a large step, but we'd have to be see that as improvement
  20. i actually enjoyed the dialog. good report and wit between gosling and ana, and gosling and evans. i thought all that was well written. might be the first time i've liked billy bob in a role also. for once i didnt feel like he was acting, or overacting. the action scenes were mostly dumb, imho. some of the cgi even cheesy. my biggest problem with the movie is the actual premise itself. totally implausible. there are a million murderers in the prison system, and they're going to come to this guy and say we'll let you out if you join the cia? come on.
  21. i'm working on a bottle of st george's now. had a few g&t's over the weekend with a splash of fresh watermelon juice from one that i cut up for salad. my next two bottles on deck are gray whale and nikka coffey.
  22. bicycle thief in halifax, as suggested, is a great place. five fishermen is great upscale seafood. the canteen is also worth checking out. for sightseeing i also recommend peggy's cove, lunenburg, and mahone bay. very picturesque fishing villages. dont look like they've changed much in 200 years.
  23. cant wait for the finale tonight. all this time i've thought the old man in the show title was jeff bridges character. then, in the last episode, lithgow makes reference to the old man so now it's leading me to wonder if his story plays a bigger role next season. either that or he bites the dust tonight.
  24. I'm not finding the show all that interesting. dumb people making dumb decisions all the while thinking they're onto something and part of some glorious revolution. none of the people am i sympathetic to. i'm basically just skimming ahead waiting for the orgy to start. when they all start sleeping together maybe the show will get interesting. their politics sure as hell aren't.
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