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Everything posted by thrillhammer

  1. she was a better senator than vp, i'll give you that. but i think she's filling the role biden wants her to. which is another reason he's failing - he's not using other leaders to make up for his lack of presence. still, at last count there were 7 million more democrats in the country than republicans. kamala would beat trump if that were to be the 2024 slate.
  2. bacon is an excellent choice. not so sure about the quaaludes, but these days cbd oil seems to be an optional add-on everywhere, and probably wouldnt hurt a quiche none. one other word of warning for the op. pie shells tiny. get the biggest deepest one you can find. most recipes call for 4-5 eggs, and a little cream or milk, and by that time you have little room for the good stuff. thats why you have to be selective with your ingredients. make sure your mixing bowl is ovenproof, then whatever doesnt fit in the pie shell you can bake and eat it yourself.
  3. i love quiches, they're like the garbage disposal of a menu idea - everything is good in them. mushrooms, onions, cheese, broccoli, asparagus, tomatoes, sundried tomatoes, spinach, ham. its really more a question of what you dont want to put in it.
  4. first of all, trump is not running in 2024, because he knows he will lose, and he prefers candidates that don't lose. the horse i'd bet on at this point as the gop candidate is pence. second of all, biden is not running in 2024. i see no way he can, and would prefer him step down. which means, now is the time for kamala to step up. maybe that will help get the minority voters trending back in the right direction. i'm clueless as to how they could possibly think they'd fare better under conservative leadership to begin with, but the numbers are what they are. his approval numbers should be low. its been a failure at practically every juncture. very disappointing that he has not been more effective after watching from the sidelines all this time. he charlie stronged and tom hermaned this up. handed his dream job and shit the bed. it's not too late to turn this around and build democrat momentum going into the election, but it needs to start soon. where have all the leaders gone that ran against biden? warren, booker, bernie, klobuchar? they've taken a backseat since biden took office, and were much more vocal and better leaders until then. we are left with schumer and pelosi as the voice and face of the party, and they are too old and too boring and it's time for them to go also. youth will respond to energy, minorities will respond to energy. biden, pelosi, and schumer have done great service in their time but energy has passed them by.
  5. thrillhammer


    bacon is not my favorite add-on, but gotta have cheese. i'll take a fried egg or guac before i'd take bacon.
  6. congratulations on keeping shopping off her agenda. if you can get by sitting at a cafe drinking and peoplewatching, you're doing all the good.
  7. got it. but has your wife ever been? i'm not knocking you, don't get me wrong. there's probably not a better place in the world to sit at a cafe, drink, and peoplewatch. it's just curious that you would be in such a bucket list of a city and miss out on some world class art, history, architecture, etc.
  8. are you sure there's not a supernormal force surrounding the program? I mean it's not like these guys coming in are without pedigree. manny diaz had the worst defense in longhorn history. fired. vance bedford then has the worst defense in longhorn history. fired. todd orlando has the worst defense in longhorn history. fired. i've skipped a few but you get the gist. everytime you think this is the worst it can possibly be and we bring in a new guy to fix it, we get progressively worse. i have to hope that patterson has some positive effect. maybe even overruling pk.
  9. So you've never been to paris and are going to be there for 3 nights total? you're going to have to heavily filter what you want to accomplish. as far as best area for cafes/nightlife i would go with latin quarter or marais.
  10. thrillhammer


    if so, thats new. they were the same owners but i know there was some me too controversy awhile back so something might have changed.
  11. thrillhammer


    does anyone know if the drink.well burger is the same as foreign and domestic? the f&d one gets mentioned in many top 10 lists, but drink.well is more casual and comfortable to me.
  12. thrillhammer


    had the pascal at hopfields last week. i would not say quality has dropped off at all. still an excellent and one-of-a-kind burger. we sat on the patio and the service was terrible. waiter was a total dick. and slow on top of that. wine was expensive per glass and the pours were on the cinchy side.
  13. i watched it. franklin was a fascinating man.
  14. for a therapist, she's not playing a very good social game. the merge might buy her more time.
  15. He's awesome, which means he'll be voted out first as soon as the merge comes. One guy I'm intrigued by is Roxroy. First of all, what kind of name is that? Secondly, why is he so bossy? Thirdly, why is he so terrible at physical challenges? He barely exerts any effort at all. He had a girl swim and pull him while he sat in a boat.
  16. agreed, or more medical incidents all across the board - sunburn, twisted ankles, toes chopped with an errant machete stroke, etc.
  17. did you have to make reservations? was there a long wait?
  18. i agree with gandorf, ive found stagg jr and blantons a few places in texas, moreso than any of the other unicorns. i've probably bought 4 bottles in the past 2 years.
  19. I'm kinda with the last few posters. was a decent, even refreshing, show for a while but has run it's course. it seems rehashed now and not a redeeming likable character on the show. all of them scheming, selfserving, backbiting, and superficial.
  20. santa fe new orleans phoenix/scottsdale kanab, utah
  21. fucking huckleberry moved south on me. great food though, agreed.
  22. thrillhammer


    where are they now? i dont think they are at abw anymore.
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