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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Orange&White

  1. We went to Backspace two weeks ago. We had: 2 Titos and soda 2 glasses house Pinot Grigio 1 Order of breadsticks 1 appetizer order of Meatballs (5 meatballs, about half dollar circumference) Total bill after tax and tip = $75.00 It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't noteworthy either, and there was no vibe to it at all. Will probably never go back.
  2. Fine. Let them in and give them some posting privileges. But the SECOND they post about fucking hamburgers or general aviation on a coach search thread, ban the fuck out of them.
  3. It's TOWN Lake. Don't ever speak that nonsense again.
  4. So he could personally tell Herman he’s fired?
  5. I am as solidly on board with you running this project as I am with a bunch of BMD's financing a huge buyout and hiring Urban Meyer.
  6. This comes up every time there is a coaching search. It is simply a bureaucratic formality thing that the new coach will not "officially" be the coach until the posting requirement is met. It will absolutely not stop anything from moving forward.
  7. A&M is sitting at 6-1. The record of the the teams they have beat is 17-31. Here is who A&M has beat: Vandy 0-8 FLA 7-1 MissSt 3-5 Ark 3-5 SoCar 2-7 LSU 3-4 Their one loss was a four TD throttling. Their best win, Florida, is 7-1. The teams Florida has beat are a combined 22-35. Here is who Florida has beat: Ole Miss 4-4 SoCar 2-7 Mizzou 4-3 GA 6-2 (winning opponents are 24-33) Ark 3-5 Vandy 0-8 Ky 3-6 Whether they make the Big10 Conference Championship game or not, if the aggies think they are getting into the Playoff over a 5-0 Ohio St, they are even more delusional than we already thought. Those fans might want to switch gears to hoping they DON'T make the playoffs so that they can complain for many years that they got screwed over, because if they actually make the playoffs, the score in their first round game will resemble the four TD aswhipping they got from Bama earlier in the season.
  8. I'm going out on a limb and guessing that you are not one of "us". You're just a really bad troll.
  9. Mackovic won the final SWC Championship, followed up by winning the inaugural Big 12 Championship and then got fired a year later. Getting fired after a single win over a middle of the pack team isn't even on the radar. Fuck Herman. He got paid $37M to coach football and failed at it. He knew the stakes when he signed the contract.
  10. Well that would make it even more delicious.
  11. No one here give a single fuck about what you think is going to happen.
  12. So is the façade that this is just a kid from Dallas who has a cousin on the team still believed around here or did everyone finally realize it was just a ctj sock? Asking for my glizzy.
  13. Bowl matchup projections show the potential for aggies to play the winner of the Big 12 Championship game. What if their greatest season ever, in which they "shoulda been" let into the playoffs, ended with only one win against a team with a winning record and a throttling from a BDF directional school like Iowa State?
  14. I get what you are saying, and I don't think UM would touch that with a ten foot pole, anyway.. But with everything that is going on, if UM wanted to bring that fucking loser with him, do you really think that would be the sticking point to the hire? Not a fucking chance.
  15. I happened across a magazine a few weeks ago that I felt may be relevant to Shank's interests.
  16. Most people see it for what it is. A fluke year with cancellations and opt outs and reschedules, etc, but the fact remains, a&m will never win jack shit as long as they are in the division they are in. Bama may slow down, but there will never be a time when Bama, LSU, and Auburn are all worse than a&m. Exactly. IF they get in, IF, they will get absolutely throttled and show how much they weren’t supposed to be there. The national writers and mouthpieces already showed earlier this year that they are tired of picking aggies to win and then watch them go and aggie it up. It’s been happening for nearly a decade. The secret is exposed. You can tell even now when there is any discussion of the top teams and who will be in the playoff, aggies are not even mentioned. Those guys aren’t blind. They watched that shit show a&m put on the field last night and know exactly what would happen if they played one of the top 4.
  17. I don’t know who needs to hear this, but HEB is closed.
  18. This is absolutely incredible. IN this day and age a site is going down for NINETEEN fucking days for maintenance? Jesus Fucksticks. That'd really be a shame.
  19. What did you think he was going to have to do? If you make things so shitty that all of the people eligible for retirement quit just to get away, and you cut out all of the cadet classes in the pipeline to replace those people, you have to make cuts somewhere. What is more important? Having community reps, or having patrol officers? It's almost as if "defunding the police" was a knee jerk reaction and those championing it never looked at the actual, real consequences of what it would mean beyond the 5 seconds it took them to come up with it. Honestly, what did you actually think was going to happen when such a massive percentage of the APD budget was taken away on two months notice? Did you think that nothing would change and no cuts would need to be made? If you think the immediate repercussions are bad, just wait until you see the crime stats over the next few years. There is no math anywhere where you can cut massive chunks of a departments budget and make things better. That does not exist in any capacity whatsoever. So you got your police defunding, congrats. Now live with the results.
  20. Well...to clarify...she SAID that she wrote him letters, and then took a photo of herself holding a bunch of envelopes pretending to put them into a mailbox, but she held them in such a way that they could have all been empty. Sorta like posting a picture of yourself assembling a bed while holding a coredless drill that had no battery in it. In short, she probably lied about the letters to the prison pedo.
  21. Well her other options would be the ones that make her look like a whore, or the ones that make her look fat. Which do you think she'd choose?
  22. Jesus Fucksticks. You weren't attacking a straw man, you were building one by implying that what I said inferred that I believe we should keep Herman. Are you this dense? The bolded part is what the idea was when Charlie was going to be fired and Herman was going to be hired. It was then and is now 100% wishcasting until it happens. It COULD happen. But it COULD have happened when Herman was hired and it didn't. But just repeating the same shit every time we fire the last coach and hire the next one is not based on anything but what you want to happen. However you construed from that argument that I think Herman should be kept around is your fucking strawman that is completely false.
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