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Everything posted by Tylerocks

  1. 10 years ago we saved this pretty girl from death row at BARC.
  2. Him starting Game 1 had to have been a recruiting promise or something. He hasn't shown any reason he should even be on the court, much less starting.
  3. Wow. Complete Horseshit. 2nd in the country in receptions Tied for 6th in TD's 8th in Yards
  4. You take the 3 points on the road every FUCKING time. His propensity to pass up free points is astonishingly stupid. fuck him. fuck this whole staff. These kids don’t have a fucking chance.
  5. My wife has pulled this before as well. I saw over the weekend, in-laws were visiting, where my wife learned to load the dishwasher. Holy Fuck. small plates in the top rack. Glasses in between the prongs, so they just slide around. I mean.....
  6. yes, he stood out to me too. Hopefully he'll steal minutes from Hepa and Cunningham. Hepa has been disappointing. Cunningham looked lost.
  7. I told my wife this morning that McConaughey's so over the top it makes it seem fake. Like it's a bit. I'm as big a "Texas Guy" as anyone, but I feel like Jack Black in Airborne after listening to him go on about UT.
  8. Unfortunately not going, but Tedeschi Trucks Band is playing tonight in Houston at Hobby Center.
  9. I wouldn't say he started "over" him, different positions and all...but neither one looked ready to play. Obviously Saturday against Purdue will tell us a bit more
  10. I won't be at all shocked if we lose to Northern Colorado tonight.
  11. Nancy's Hustle has been solid the times I've been. Get the Nancy Cakes....I could eat like 20 of them if I tried. I haven't tried it, but supposedly the burger is great.
  12. You guys wanted an expanded bench....well there ya go. :lol That game was over in the first 5 min. They are completely unwatchable.
  13. That Suzuki scratch could turn out to be huge. He was a machine last time.
  14. She's a 49 year old lesbian (and not the good kind) You want me to PM you?
  15. I just learned my non-sports loving sister, who doesn't even understand baseball is going to Game 7. For Free. I'm stuck at a work Halloween thing, handing out candy, dressed as a god damned hot dog and she is going to Game 7.
  16. Lol 3 games in and you guys are analyzing rotations. 10 players have played in all 3 games. Relax. I imagine when there is a chance to play the bench guys extended minutes, it will happen. Last night, who would you have preferred to get more minutes?
  17. El Real employees are saying they haven't been paid or are still owed wages. Not going well.
  18. Lots of over reactions. Did someone reference Gerald Green as a difference maker? Jesus. Some of you need to move your basketball posts over to Clutchfans. Despite off nights from Harden and Gordon this game was there for the taking. Milwaukee was hitting everything. We went cold in the 4th. Missed a lot of open 3s. It's going to happen. I was encouraged by McLemore and Chandler. Sefolosha will be a good defensive addition. I like House starting and bringing EG off the bench.
  19. No. We don't really have that type of relationship. He tends to shut down when conversations trend toward serious. His drinking has had zero effect on my life. I mean obviously other than worrying about his health/well being. It was never really an issue until his diagnosis a couple years ago. He is a great dad, was a good husband, smartest person I know. He was a professor and is still dedicated to teaching in some form or fashion today. His drinking was never really in excess, at least it was never apparent to me.
  20. I have an alcoholic father. He's been hospitalized 2 times in the last year. He has cirrhosis. He's retaining fluid in his abdomen and legs, putting stress on his heart and lungs. There are other things at play here (depression/anxiety) although he doesn't admit those. He's been told he has to quit drinking. He hasn't. I do think he has cut down, not that that matters. Treatment has been offered, but as a 79 year old, I can't see him doing anything about it. We lost my mom in 2010 and he hasn't been the same person and I think he's just ready to check out. He's 2500 miles away from me and my sister, so we're pretty helpless with day-to-day checking on him. He is living with a female companion who is on his ass about it, but again, what can you say to a guy that has been drinking for 60+ years? Just kind of venting here...
  21. These guys were found "living" under an abandoned house. They were taken in by someone until her landlord found out. We took them in to adopt them out as we already had 2 dogs of our own. 2 of them never left and the 3rd was adopted by a friend.
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