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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ImissWallyPryor

  1. I’m a firm believer in fruit bushes and trees, for the exact reason you stated. Between our main residence and our getaway place, I’ve got 21 trees (mostly apple, but also peach, plum, and cherry) and 21 bushes (honeyberry, gooseberry, raspberry, Saskatoon, and currant). Plus a strawberry patch. I’ll plant about 4 more trees this year (pear and mulberry), as well as at least a dozen more bushes (huckleberry, lingonberry, and blackberry). My wife thinks I’ve lost my mind, but I’m incorporating a lot of the bushes into our landscaping. Besides, we’re gone for stretches from either property, so maintaining a bunch of annual vegetables and herbs is kinda difficult.
  2. I had to call the ticket office to order my season tickets. I had already made my LHF donation, but the website wouldn’t let me continue to checkout because I deleted a duplicate LHF contribution that was prefilled in the cart. The response I got seemed to indicate I wasn’t the only one who had this problem.
  3. That’s why I changed my cousin’s theory from kids to boys. She was actually talking about boys when she said that because they were her older kids who concentrated on basketball.
  4. My cousin always said something about tall kids. Her husband was a great player in college in the 60s who still holds school scoring records as well as a conference scoring record. Her boys both played CBB. Anyway, her observation has always been that tall moms make tall boys, more so than tall dads. Dylan’s mom looks to be 5’-10” or taller.
  5. Fuck off!!!1!! I watched the 2H of the Crest game, my first Texas BB game in a decade. I’m no fair weather fan.
  6. For those of us not watching, how did Carr almost blow a 7 point lead with <11 secs to go?
  7. How I envision Kevin dispatching a Grizzly, armed with nothing but a knife and his superior intellect.
  8. Starting your shot from waist high has it’s advantages.
  9. I was always torn between the two. I found a Mexican restaurant in IA that sells their hot sauce in styrofoam fountain drink cups. It’s similar to Valentinos, only better, and thicker like a salsa. I buy that at 1/4 the price per ounce every time I go through Sioux City.
  10. I was just adding that when you responded.
  11. Show-n-tell 1950s style. Also, G is for girl.
  12. I’ve tried most of these, front and center is my favorite so far. The green habanero has a strange color that takes some gettin’ used to, especially on eggs. Not a fan of the Tabasco family - regular, chipotle, or green - but I might give the Habanero a whirl (Wally Pryor recommeded on page 1). Crystal, Valentina, and Cholula are other norms for me, depending on the mood and situation. I had a big bottle Tapatio once and enjoyed it.
  13. My daughter gets multiple bottles of that for Christmas. She loves it on steak and burgers, although she might awkwardly laugh at anyone calling it a hot sauce.
  14. Snow geese arriving by the hundreds of thousands this week. This is one of the last shitty pics il be taking from my iPhone 8 as I’m getting a 13 next week. But, that is not snow in the background close to the ground.
  15. She was probably the only women’s coach casual basketball fans could pick off a list of names, no offense to Jody.
  16. If you had the SI article on Pat Summit during her hay day, you could have shown them where she organized a volunteer group of ordinarily guys with high school experience to scrimmage her women’s team. She had to restrict them from playing too physically or above the rim to give her gals a chance.
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