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Storm the Field

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Everything posted by Storm the Field

  1. Talked about this before with a buddy of mine who has spent a lot of time in the restaurant biz, has owned and/or managed a couple different places. Said it's tough (though clearly not impossible) to run a profitable breakfast place in an area like the Heights if you're only selling low-priced to-go items like pastries or bagels. Need people to buy ~$15 entrees, overpriced coffee, mimosas/bloodys....etc. to get average per-customer-transaction something closer to $20 than under $10. Either that or you need to own the building outright and not be paying rent.
  2. Sounds like one problem is the shop itself doesn't have enough kitchen space to produce what they need on-site.
  3. Culturemap has a more in-depth article out: https://houston.culturemap.com/news/restaurants-bars/brazos-bagel-space-city-bagel-heights/
  4. So, sounds like he wasn't gonna be able to produce nearly enough bagels to keep the store from routinely running out and covering rent and whatnot. Seems like something you'd usually try and determine before opening, right?
  5. This is the weirdest thing I've ever seen in the restaurant business. Open for a total of like 15 hours before calling it quits. They were slammed Thursday-Sunday and selling out of everything. Posted Sunday night that they were taking Monday off and shortening hours Tuesday to continue working out some of the kinks but then planning to resume normal hours as of today. Typical soft opening shit. Less than 48 hours after that post, the owner calls it quits. Only 3 possibilities I see: 1. Epic partnership collapse. 2. Landlord/tenant nightmare. 3. Owner had a mental breakdown or drug/alcohol psychotic break after the stress of opening weekend.
  6. I've had quite an Astro-centric day. Wife's boss invited us to sit as his table at this charity event at ROCC. Berkman and Dusty were the featured entertainment and had a pretty funny 20-minute or so chat, just telling baseball stories and whatnot. Saw Crane and Dana Brown in the crowd. Mark Appel randomly was one of the guys sitting at our table. Just got done picking my first batch of April and May games from my season ticket group allotment. Just as I finished doing so, saw the news about Altuve!
  7. Just wanted to recommend the new pizza vendor that sets up at Great Heights on Thursdays now. Just 1 guy with 2 portable pizza stoves, so you may have to wait a while (took our order about 30 minutes to come out), but it was definitely worth it, and not like it's hard to wait while sitting in a brewery.
  8. Exactly. HEB bagels are just circles of soft bread with a hole in the middle. If you have to settle for grocery store bagels, the single bagels they sell in the bakery case at Kroger are way better than HEB, and actually have a proper bagel texture. One of the very few areas where HEB pales in comparison.
  9. I stopped by around 8:15 on Friday. They were sold out of most of their bagels. Had to settle for poppy seed, which were still good, but not as good as their everything bagels. There were at least 20 people in there and another dozen or so came in during the ~15 minutes I was there. Ran out completely not much later in the morning. Until the initial hype subsides, I'm gonna settle for occasionally popping in on may way to work on Friday mornings and just grabbing some to bring home for the weekend. Either that, or make sure to get there by 7:45 or so on the weekends.
  10. Full-time jobs recovered much quicker than part-time post COVID.
  11. Reminder, there are posters on here who take Zerohedge seriously. That's right, mass unemployment occurs every single January. The powers that be just don't tell you about it and hide it! Getting real tired of these month-long Great Depressions occurring at the start of every year.
  12. Tweet is about the general trend in revisions, not limited to this report.
  13. Been working like a dog for the past 2 months. Staying at the office until 7 or 8, coming in on Saturdays...etc. Two high priority projects that were both due back to back. One was a colossal thing I worked on for close to 5 months due last Thursday, which is exactly when the client got it. Another was a rush job that would have usually taken at least 6 weeks, but I only got a month and had to work on it while also finishing the other thing. Due tomorrow. Just sent off to boss for final review so he can deliver it in the morning. I'm going home and drinking a couple of beers and going out to dinner with my wife. Then I get the house to myself while she heads home to see her folks this weekend. You know where I'm not gonna be spending most of Saturday for the first time since Xmas? Pleases the ever-living shit out of me.
  14. Almost that time of year again. A week from today, I'll be at the office, hungover from a Wednesday night client dinner and then downtown happy hour, struggling to get some work done before heading downtown again for my firm's big NAPE party. Will be hating life next Friday morning.
  15. On to a new month. Weighed in at 193 this morning. Ended January 8 lbs lighter than I started. Although I didn't drop double digits or get below 190, it was a good month. Worked out probably more than I ever have in a single calendar month. Counted it up and I went to the gym 24 times in January, and then did other outdoorsy stuff like taking my dogs for a long walk or riding my bike another 4-5 days. Only 3 days the entire month I didn't exercise at all. After the work I put in last year and upping the intensity this past month, this is easily the most muscle mass I've had in well over a decade. Gotta keep at it. Although not going to be as strict as January, planning to keep up the 6 days/week workout schedule and continue to try and avoid drinking during the week without a good reason. Also, got in a much better habit of bringing healthy lunches to work instead of eating out 3-4 times a week. Next goalpost is sub-190 by 40th birthday in early March.
  16. Final trailer released a few days ago. This looks great, albeit brutally graphic.
  17. Different survey, similar results, though this one shows much higher readings for "present situation" vs "future expectations"
  18. And now you all know why! Not photoshopped. Not sorry for CR.
  19. Brazos Bagel is opening up their brick and mortar location at Durham and I-10 very soon, possibly by next weekend. Very good bagels. Been selling them at farmers markets and other restaurants for a while now. So happy to finally have a Heights-area replacement for Golden Bagel. Been a bagel desert in this neck of the woods since they closed.
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