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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SimonBolivar

  1. Nashville vs NYCFC feed is up for the first game of the year.
  2. I believe it was Hertling who said Belarus' Army was the worst he'd seen in Europe. More bodies for bullets I guess.
  3. We all would be if it were a thing. Who wouldn't want to see what those commuters have going on?
  4. Terrible idea, but I guess money is money
  5. Well I'm not sure how big a rivalry yall have with Hillsboro.
  6. Southern Baptists are leaving the denomination in droves so their response is...to kick out one of their biggest churches. Brilliant
  7. Do these people exist in large enough numbers? I think they do in the 1980s, but I don't think they do in 2023 and beyond. I don't see Joe T Dallas opening the paper and saying "oh wow, SMU is playing Oregon State tomorrow. Let's go to the game!!" Instead they'll likely stay home to watch whomever they are a fan of already and enjoy a few other games on the big screen between ranked teams.
  8. Do these people exist in large enough numbers? I think they do in the 1980s, but I don't think they do in 2023 and beyond. I don't see Joe T Dallas opening the paper and saying "oh wow, SMU is playing Oregon State tomorrow. Let's go to the game!!" Instead they'll likely stay home to watch whomever they are a fan of already and enjoy a few games on the big screen.
  9. I think I saw a Yeti sticker on there too
  10. On the Ukrainian not firing in that video but rather keeping the other one supplied... Studies show that your Upham/Blythe characters that are depicted as one offs are incredibly common in battle and have been in every war studied since the US Civil War. He's actually helping out and I won't talk shit without knowing how I'd react in the same situation.
  11. Well yeah but 90% of the people watching this are either degenerate gamblers with a drinking problem or they're in an emergency room waiting to be seen and their phone is dead.
  12. I remember Perez playing well in the USFL or whatever is was.
  13. The biggest day on the sports calendar is here!
  14. Love all 3 of those. Meridian and Cleburne are part of those classic lake parks.
  15. Yeah it's been a second-tier arms race around here for quite a while. If you look at the stadiums of the conference pre original realignment to today they're night and day for a good number of the schools.
  16. Love me some "The Great War" in 1964 from the BBC. 26 parts total of just midcentury British greatness in Michael Redgrave. Every episode is on YouTube for free for anyone interested. The theme alone is harrowing.
  17. You could send NATO missiles/planes/etc into Ukraine and have them cripple Russia's forces in Ukraine in less than a day or so. Obviously Russia could then escalate, but how would they effectively without nuking NATO itself?
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