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South Austin

Certifiably Surly
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South Austin last won the day on April 17

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44392 Surly 1%


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  1. $50 says he turns Baron's graduation into a fundraiser.
  2. Guys, guys, stop fighting. I've booked an appointment for my son at Austin's most renowned phrenologist.
  3. One of the more unbelievable parts:
  4. My daughter is going to the University of Oregon. They threw her a good amount of money, so the nonresident tuition bite isn’t as bad. The school hosted a Central Texas gathering of accepted students a couple weeks ago in Austin, and she met a good amount of people at McCallum and Anderson going there, so she’s pretty excited about her choice, which makes me damn happy for her.
  5. Well that was a tad harsh, Kristi Noem.
  6. You say that, and then he gets bitey on you.
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