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Everything posted by MAROON

  1. Blummer dubbed him the "Havana Hammer" last night. That might just stick.
  2. Beretta Neos 22 caliber (Cabela's addition). Local law dawgs just have to grab a list of who bought that ugly thing from the Buda location. He better lite out for the territory pronto.
  3. Eugene Seale - head hunter on special teams. I saw him almost kill Derrick Shepard on a kick off return when the Oilers beat the Redskins. Even Mark May wrote about it (when not blowing guys) https://books.google.com/books?id=VxVKgy9U7IQC&pg=PA84&lpg=PA84&dq=eugene+seale+derek+shepherd+hit&source=bl&ots=40lvu0ISQn&sig=ACfU3U3Yvq9wVJYgckmSvTBgD_JwzNooJA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiu_ZLD6fjiAhVInq0KHbBNCO0Q6AEwAnoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=eugene seale derek shepherd hit&f=false
  4. So if you're a player where does your family live during the season? You will now be away from your in-season "home" at least 3/4 of the time.
  5. Who wears the pants in the family H.I.? It's not personal, it's strictly business grab a brew, don't cost nothin
  6. 7 runs scored in three games will get your ass swept more often than not, and 7 runs over four games will officially start a losing streak.
  7. and it appears the Brewers plan was to have anyone not named Bregman or Alvarez beat them. 7 walks combined to those two last night.
  8. going to BCN tomorrow night. Cannot wait. Any recs for dishes or which G&T is the best?
  9. I was told by someone who has very good intel that McHugh is not hurt. Now I have no idea why either party would lie about that, but that is what I was told.
  10. make sure and pour one out for Donny while you are there
  11. my Grandfather was at Pearl Harbor - he hated the Japanese.
  12. The Astros worked behind the scenes to get Altuve's family out of VZ. I understand why Papi was in the DR (family there), but if I was him my visits would be few and far between and they sure as heck wouldn't involve being out in a nightclub. The DR is a shit hole. Never forgot, years ago I was in PR on business and the evening dinner talk turned to baseball. I asked about the DR players and the country - our customer looked me straight in the eye and said don't ever go there - they are fucking animals. I was sort of taken aback, but laughed it off as PR-DR rivalry.
  13. Cal's a freaking paste eater. Momma runs that place. Saw her sitting in the draft war room and just laughed. This ain't the River Oaks Garden Club honey.
  14. Yep. Amazing those guys got back up and did it over and over again. I know most have seen it, but just in case, the movie Twelve O'Clock High is a classic about this very era of daylight bombing.
  15. it's like we suited up three of the Jamaican 4 x 100m track relay team
  16. Luhnow on 790 just a little while ago:- Straw is exciting! Showing fans why we were so happy about having him up. Teams have called about his availability in trade talks but we have kept him out for now. Think teams believe we don't value him as much as we do.- What makes guys untouchable? Nobody is. But obviously the high profile guys will require an extraordinary return. Mentioned some recent examples like Kyle Tucker rumors.- Straw was in AA 2 years ago and we talked about calling him up for his speed in the playoffs for the ALCS and WS. Mentioned Fisher filling that role instead, scoring on Bregmans hit FTW.- Very happy with how the draft played out, mentioned a few players and their tools- Asked about disappointment with Correa situation: Reality is that players are always trying to be their best, even when it comes to getting treatment off the field. It is unfortunate, but nice to have a 10 game lead so you dont have to rush guys back. More important to have everyone healthy for stretch run. - Really appreciating that Derek Fisher is getting an opportunity. Something different this time around. He feels like he belongs in the majors, which is why we see him playing so well. When Springer and the rest come back we are going to have to push some guys down, but later in the year with expanded rosters it will be great that these guys are getting big league exerience.- On Corbin Martin: he will be back. The stuff is elite. How to sequence pitches and not fall behind is something to learn in AAA. Has all the weapons. Just focus on getting ahead instead of trying to nibble. Learning curve. Next time he comes up he will be even better. Mentioned DK's path in relation to Corbin, going through ebbs and flows.- Every night he gets a notification about Alavarez mashing, but people need to realize even Tucker is playing well down there. Want to bring Alvarez up but have him STAY up, and not flip back and forth. - Gonna continue to evaluate what we have in trades/acquisitions but will likely be active in the market as the season goes on. Mentions potential to obviously add rotation piece.
  17. Miles Straw running the bases is just as beautiful as Secretariat at the Belmont
  18. Tyler White is envious of Vogelbach’s conditioning
  19. college station alternate version
  20. the wife buys this stuff by the case load. The Medium has a nice bit of heat, the mild is too mild for my taste.
  21. I think he was also the fifth (maybe fourth) highest catcher rated in the draft. Good catchers are very very hard to come by, so the pick makes sense in that regard. Plus Lunhow is a damn Jedi mind freak, so we also have that going for us.
  22. MAROON

    2019 NCAA Regionals

    22 innings and counting of not scoring.
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