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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by huge

  1. He has at least one house in Sugar Land
  2. And by any measure is not as violent as it used to be.
  3. Then there is this. Yao was truly massive.
  4. Year 4 here but I’m not militant. Hunting trip Jan 26 will be the end this month. My go to is sparkling water with a lime and a shake of bitters.
  5. That the Parkers that is $175 retail now?
  6. Allen is over 100K and is part of the metroplex right? Seems big city enough to me
  7. Just started s2. Jackson Lamb just kills me.
  8. Kid was the QB and they won state, right? And this is the thanks he gets? Legitimate holy shit
  9. I'm not on his side but that's not a very good joke.
  10. The "rock" act is Machine Gun Kelly. WITAF
  11. Sox fans aren't as forward thinking as we are. They would revolt.
  12. What a difference a year makes...
  13. An accountant friend of mine whipped up a spreadsheet for me. And yes I have a plethora of pinatas.
  14. The worst day of bootcamp so far included 100 burpees on top of everything else. I almost died and certainly did not have good form on the last 30 or so.
  15. huge


    The two blondes are blast furnaces. Approve. Also I am beyond embarrassed that I didn't immediately place sweet Bronny as that sheepfucker.
  16. Insurance companies spending billions on advertising is one of my least favorite things I can think of.
  17. Put it in the safe. Then I can retire and the wife can keep working.
  18. I haven't read all the responses here but what I need is a chart of accounts spreadsheet. Something for my wife to reference should I get caught up in a gangland assassination. Tab for bank accounts Tab for insurance Tab for utilities Tab for retirement accounts That sort of thing. Anyone have anything like that they could share? Yes I am Excel stupid.
  19. I started doing a boot camp deal in the fall and I can say without a doubt that burpees are my least favorite of all the shit they put us through. Good luck gentlemen.
  20. I am sure no well meaning parents are having trouble with any of this. It's only them.
  21. I dont live under a rock but I didn't know who Andrew Tate was until this thread. And I don't know who Matt Walsh is either.
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