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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by huge

  1. Honestly this makes zero shits to me.
  2. It’s only because of the highs that we were alone to also be subjected to and experience the lows. Something might be better than nothing. Shame shame
  3. Yep. This is what it has come to Feeling good about these
  4. huge

    2021 MLB Thread

    Ah yes, well that sounds terrible. Infuriating even.
  5. huge

    2021 MLB Thread

    If you listen to mlb network radio you would Would they tell me what "navage" means?
  6. I needed to drag this back up. "Financial reasons" are why most everyone in the league does anything. Seriously not sure if serious
  7. With...............................................a herring!
  8. Usually November if memory serves. And of course I drank it. No one knew shit in 2011. I thought everything was going to be like that forever.
  9. I place engineers if you are willing to pay.
  10. Sheeeeeit I should have kept my Tornado sealed!
  11. Ok I live in Houston. Where should I go to see this watch in person? https://www.jomashop.com/omega-watch-220-10-41-21-02-001.html?gclid=CjwKCAjw7rWKBhAtEiwAJ3CWLLpaQxxh6-wjXmDxt4QgK0l49jkBmm79dXaRV7XkrxN4eTVCWpk30hoCiCkQAvD_BwE And would you recommend buying local vs Joma on this one? Edit - now I am seeing $5700 at Jared for this watch. I can't imagine it is worth $1600 to buy AD???
  12. I know you have all been wondering but I ended up ordering new Pings. In the meantime I bought a 7i and PW on ebay for $75 shipped. Stay tuned for more fascinating updates like this: I am playing in a tournament at Lakeside next month that is STABLEFORD!!!!!
  13. Ok so is it as badass in person? I have never seen that one in the wild.
  14. Yeah Hank a Rummel Creek guy we know got a bottle of white. I'll wait for his review as well. I think blue>>>>>>>white>orange
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