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Everything posted by texasdago

  1. Trying to work out the kinks... This may be the winner although I'm liking the face on #2 #3 may have nailed the face, though...
  2. Plucked my first real two tomatoes yesterday... time for a caprese. Have lots of hot peppers growing, too.
  3. Saw him live when he opened for the Digable Planets. Get past the first weird minute and then just watch it unfold... more jazz fusion but he is so talented.
  4. ...and to be honest, the place to go to town on tequila/mezcal is Mexico City. BTW... just checked Los Danzantes... last time I went there, I paid about $55 for this... not anymore. It is glorious, though but that pricing... https://mezcallosdanzantes.com/product/mezcal-los-danzantes-pechuga/ In case you're curious... https://www.mezcalreviews.com/filter-by/nom/o14x/
  5. I'm going to try to Mayville you next year. I'll be full time at Winter Park. you going to work at WP?
  6. Yeah, I'm not a 1%er so we're good... if I'm feeling spirited, maybe I'll just make my way to the coast
  7. My gut tells me the record player will stop playing when I walk in... anyway, I would be there midweek.
  8. Anything to do in Lake Forest? Will be there on business... I see some nice hiking trails.
  9. Yup... we've all got out spots. That's why its straight to the roof on the Blue Garage.
  10. How do you copy/paste animated ones? Haven't tried
  11. Yup. I am the cook of the house and when my teenagers give me crap about what I make for dinner, it does not go over well
  12. It sounds counterintuitive but I never had to think about where I parked because there was always space right by the elevator. I was on "automatic" when I landed... straight to the top floor and my car was right there.
  13. I may or may not have prompted it
  14. Its probably broken just like the credit card reader. Sorry... cash only. wink wink
  15. FYI... Erice: Inside Riserva dello Zingaro San Vito Lo Capo Why you should go swimming there... Random seafood picture. We were there two weeks... I had so much fresh seafood... This is from one restaurant... before and after...
  16. From Palermo, assuming you will have access to a car Riserva dello Zingaro Erice (and Trapani) If you have more time, Favignana San Vito Lo Capo (A beach town but should be quite open by then) Poke around on Google Maps and look at the coastline - lots of amazing beaches/coves.
  17. Re: parking, we could do more of this... you end up with covered spaces for cars and generate power at the same time... https://e360.yale.edu/features/putting-solar-panels-atop-parking-lots-a-green-energy-solution I like parking on the roof of the blue parking garage at the Airport. I get covered parking with an easy to find location and the combined panels generate 1.8 megawatts of power. When I lived in Houston, I would park on the roof of Terminal E and I would come back to a car that was a furnace.
  18. Good Lord... make me loathe them even more. What a bunch of stupid ass holes. At least some of them get it
  19. This would have saved his business
  20. Filter coffee like traditional drip coffee that Americans drink? Yeah... I'm sure. They talked about you after you left. LOL. Your best bet is an Americano which is them making an espresso and then watering it down with hot water.
  21. Can't speak to Puerto Morelos. I think there's a tequila shop near the main square in town that focuses on tequila. See if they can help. Also, might be worth to check out Chedraui - https://www.tasteofisla.com/chedraui - I don't know if prices are any good.
  22. Amazing to see my Tesla-driving friends act completely blind to Musk's idiocy
  23. Some of that is so staged... but I will definitely confirm that if you do the wrong thing in a restaurant, you risk drawing the ire of the owner or waitstaff. My wife learned the hard way in the late 90s to not order a cappuccino in the evening. At a minimum, you're getting a very dirty look. For those wanting to complain about this, please ask for a bottle of ketchup for your bowl of chili at the Texas Chili Parlor and make sure they see you put it on the chili.
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