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Everything posted by texasdago

  1. Surly gifs gave me only so many options... Is that seriously the place?
  2. There are plenty of Christians who are non-practicing Christians who are Christian by profession or by association without being Christian in practice. If you claim Jewish is an ethnicity or a race, was Sammy Davis Jr. Jewish? Is Ivanka Trump Jewish? Lumping Jewish people into one race did not go well last time.
  3. So you're saying a Jewish person from Ethiopia and a Jewish person from Hungary are the... *checks notes* same ethnicity or race?
  4. A fascist vegan... that's got to be a first. That's like a mute Crossfitter.
  5. Some weekend mornings, I'll go downtown and walk up and down 2nd street, 3rd, etc. and just enjoy the city before it wakes up... that or over on the Butler trail. Anyway, sometimes I'll make my way down 5th all the way to the Hilton and will look over towards 6th and even in the morning it is dodgy... and yet I almost always see 20ish year old women walking their dogs down 6th street... I'm like, "really?"
  6. Beebe was in town two weeks ago... did a quick show with the Beebe 3 at Coral Snake. I met him my sophomore year at a party in University Towers. Great guy. On Antone's on Guadalupe, 90% sure the Civil Goat location was Antone's
  7. Yeah, I have to think all the people that go there are out of towners or dumbasses because everyone I know stays away from Dirty 6th and if they go, they are out early.
  8. ...and that's why you don't go to Dirty 6th. Duh.
  9. Must be the devil telling her "this is YOUR year!!!" my calling lies in the mountains, running a ski lift *sigh*
  10. Yup... widespread 1.5" - 2" while our closest gauge in SW Austin saw .12"
  11. Nah, but I'll be living up there full time. Nice! I am running out of time this season unfortunately (I could try but I'd piss off my wife) but I normally make a May trip to hit up A-Basin and Mary Jane. May have to ping you next year. I meet up with a buddy who lives in Boulder who has an Ikon pass.
  12. WTF where does that water come from? My God that's insane.
  13. FYI, starting next week Live Nation starts unloading tickets to certain shows for $25/all in
  14. Yeah, I think the live music is better, too... the quality... honestly, it depends what you like. If someone is really into one style of music, then you get what you get. I like all types of music cutting across all genres and I think Austin offers a really great blend of different bands and it spread all over the city so that you have great venues all over town. Man, I was just watching a video of Kurt Cobain talking about ticket prices... its not just Austin, its everywhere. https://www.threads.net/@philclifton/post/CxbhHL9IlSW But yeah, drinks have gotten absurd. My concert beverage of choice is now Lone Star. Cheap and easy. On the government buildings... yeah, between DT and campus was a bunch of garbage like this...
  15. The live music did not suck. BUT Old Austin downtown had a ton of ugly ass surface parking and aside from Liberty Lunch, I remember the only areas you wanted to be were 6th street and the Red River area. Now there's tons of places to go enjoy being downtown. The food choices were great if you were on a budget or didn't have much taste but I feel like Paggi House and Ruth's Chris was about as elevated as you could get... and yeah, Paggi house was where we took our fancy dates but, c'mon... wasn't it like a stuffy old person's place? Old Austin is the Austin you remember when you were young and free. College students today will tell stories of 2024 Old Austin before it was ruined. yes but, you know, Kerbey Lane "Old Austin" and such.
  16. ...and Flo's does good business. Go at the wrong time and you're going to be waiting for a table. The only other wine bar in that area was the tasting room for Wine for the People that was housed in the Spread & Co. location. Always felt very temporary. Oh... and Spread > Kerbey Lane all day long.
  17. 1. Illegal dams and who knows what else 2. Population growing 3. Rotten luck with where and how much rain falls 4. Would not be surprised if Abbott is rubberstamping industries that are using up a ton of water 5. Probably a lot of illegal pumping like those a-holes in San Marcos (see 1 above)
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