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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by SydneyCarton

  1. The reality is that Hartzell doesn't call the shots. The BOR calls the shots. I can't speak for how he handled firing a bunch of folks, becuase I have no personal knowledge of that, but your story sure sounds like it was fucking shitty. But he was told to shutter DEI, or lose his job. I know Hartzell loves UT and wanted it to be his last job. But I have to wonder if we'll be seeing that guy take a job as Presdient in...some other state. At the end of the day, this is a microcosm of everything else that is happening in Texas, right down to the people who are making active plans to GTFO of this place at some point in the future. It's what Fascism does. It squeezes downward and forces compliance or fleeing, right up until the point where they have enough power that they won't let you flee. Then they force compliance in totality. And every step of the way, people have to ask if this is the day they're willing to give up everything they've fought their life to achieve to escape, or stand up and do the right thing when it's all on the line for them personally. It's a hard question to answer sometimes. But all of us will, at some point soon, most likely.
  2. I'm not really a Stern guy, but what makes him one of the most removed and protected individuals on the planet? Any moreso than any great interviewer was, like Larry King, etc?
  3. Well, there's a lot more than young folks that need to get out and vote...or stay home and vote, as it were.
  4. I mean, I pulled it out of my ass, but: https://budget.utexas.edu/about/budget And I'm sure there's a ton of shit not covered in there which also comes from the state as well.
  5. Of course, the biggest donor to the University of Texas is arguably...the state of Texas. So yeah, he did what the Governor wanted.
  6. CTJ can sing the entire catalog of Mickey Gilley without blinking. Sober or Shitfaced.
  7. They already fucking know who daddy war bucks is, they didn’t need the tip to shit all over Texas.
  8. I meant that there is a GIANT FUCKING SEGMENT of those two groups that hate jews and want them dead, and it isn't because of land encroachment. It's holy. You're attempting to pounce on some lack of a specific percentage as some kind of gotcha. Many Palestinians, and many other muslims (which was meant to represent that exist in other countries outside Palestine) want to kill jews on general principle. I doubt you'd be saying the same thing if I made a statment like "Texas is full of Fascists." Which it is. But it doesn't mean everyone. Nor should my comments be read that way. Fuck the fuck off. My apologies. I knew better when I started.
  9. Fuck you, I did no such thing. I linked to the old charter which was riddled with anti-semtic language and mention of exterminating JEWS, not Israel, but Jews, a charter that was inacted when Hamas was elected in Palestine. I never attempted to made a "libelous" argument directed at all palestinians. I simply used their own document, which was enacted when Palestinians elected them as their ruling party, as evidence that just MAYBE there's a large segment of people for which their issues with Israel/Jews is a bit more than territorial. How is that in any way a libelous argument directed at ALL Palestinians. Go ahead, walk me through it. Also, I note that you have no response to the fact that "Oh, they wrote a new charter 10 years later, I'm sure there's no lingering hatred of Jews" point. I guess you do also believe there's no more racism in America, either, right?
  10. Yes. I'm aware they replaced that charter in 2017. To soften their public stance. Just like the Southern Strategy replaced the N word with "forced busing" and school choice. I guess based on that, you're right, there is no more racism in America. Becuase decades or centuries of resentment and hatred just evaporte once the formal rhetoric becomes just a bit lighter. Get the fucking fuck out of here.
  11. "jews hate arises out of political events." Well, I didn't have "political event" as a description of October 7th on my bingo card, but here we are...I'll ignore all the videos all over the internet of Palestinian children putting on plays heroicly depicting the muder of jews, and children saying they grow up with no other goal than to murder jews, becuase hey, I have an incorrect mindset and those must not be real. Oh, you live in Iran you say? Outside of my shock that you have regular access to a functioning internet that isn't massively controlled by the state, well, I guess your viewpoints make a lot more sense.
  12. You're bordering on disingenuous to the point of trolling. Hamas literally said it's their responsibility to kill jews everywhere in the world. It's in their fucking CHARTER. But yes, it's all geopolitical. Those videos of all the 8 year old palestinians claiming their only want in life is to grow up and slaughter jews...those vieos just cut off right after "Because of their geographical encroachment!" The Two State solution is dead because despite agreeing in 2007 among all the parties, no final agreement was reached, and then Hamas took control of Palestine and oh, put it in their charter to kill jews everywhere, and shit has progressively gotten worse. To say that Palestinians and many, many muslims, don't hate and flat out want to kill the Jewish people is fucking miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind blowing. It's in their charter, repeatedly: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1988_Hamas_charter
  13. Listen dude, I peace'd out of the israel thread months ago for this reason. I'll address a couple points and I'll peace out of this one too, becuase I know where it ends. But before I start, I will say that Netanyahu is a war criminal and can fuck off and die, and Israel does plenty of shady shit. That being said: 1.) not exactly true and true anti Zionism isn't Holocaust 2 - It's pretty condescending to tell people they're misunderstanding a topic when you have no clue of their knowledge, AND your saying they're misunderstanding something and you're offering your own subjective opinion. "Not exactly true" is sort of the flip side of "not exactly wrong." And Anti Zionism isn't the Holocaust 2 mostly becuase Israel/America/Others haven't allowed it to become Holocaust 2...yet. There are massive amounts of people living in the immediate vicinity who don't believe Jews have a right to be alive, and one of them is Hamas. And it seems like every 10-15 years they all try to invade or do something horrible to Israel. But yes, I'm sure the peopel of Israel and Jews worldwide don't feel threatened, but if they do, yes, lets just assure them this is really a geographical encroachment situaiton, nothing more! 2) At the core of this entire thing is Arab sovereignty vs. Jewish encroachment onto the native Arab population - Such an amazing oversimplificaiton. Was the Jewish state created by displacing Arabs. Yes, absolutely. Was any CONTINUED "encroachment" on the Arab state becuase people wanted to fucking kill jews? Yes, Israel's advancement came at the cost of more Arab land...usually after those countries decaled war on Israel, invaded and then Israel whipped their ass and ended up with more land than they started. You could call that Arab bestowment of Arab lands as much as encroachment. Edit: As an addendum to part 1, I'll add that Iran is a country that absolutely wants to eradicate Jews, and they have since the October attack ADMITTED that they pushed Hamas, who is their proxy, to attack becuase they feared that the Saudi's and soon others signing up to normalize relations with Israel would lower the temperature and hatred of Jews in the region. Another country literally meddling to prevent the hatred of jews subsidizing, becuase they fear it'll be harder to kill them in the future, but yes, Israel and Jews shouldn't feel threatened becuase it's just basic geopolitical maneuvering. right?
  14. Probably becuase the people, historically, who most often hate on israel don't think Jews have a right to exist. .
  15. You are neither hot, nor cold. So becuase you are lukewarm, I will spew you from my mouth.
  16. Considering this motherfucker's history to this point, I'd argue that committing somewhere to sit a year and learn the system is the smartest thing he could have done, particularly at a power like Georgia.
  17. 100% this, as others have said. I had a guy redo my driveway during Covid, on the recommendation of a guy who works on our yard. "Oh, he seems like a good guy, he warehouses next to mine." Dude was all Christ this, Christ that, very polite. And he did the worst job ever. A year into it cracks everywhere, and if you powerwash it the concrete literally comes up. It was basically "Do I spend more time and money suing this guy or let it go?" Pretty sure that's his business model. Lesson learned.
  18. Just hopping back to Trev Alberts real fast, look at this old lesbian.
  19. It was a joke. But yes, a defender being in position to make the play is certainly preferable than being out of position. One night even call that Not Fucking Up A Play.
  20. I mean, not defending Blackshire, but blue is the fastest RB in the country. Everyone is going to be 5 yards behind him. plus it’s safe to assume that our safeties fucked that play up.
  21. So how are you feeling about your odds now that you've placed it all on one bet. Think you'll get your diaper changed?
  22. You're forgetting Tapp, Melvin Hills, and Wardell Mack. I won't bother trying to troll you with Arch Manning and Will Randall.
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