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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by SydneyCarton

  1. Clearly you’re not familiar with the Texas state senate, or house.
  2. I've got 5 minutes before my ride to the astros game gets here. What else am I going to do, shop for the same music on a different music service somewhere else?
  3. You mistake some kind of brand loyalty or cultish adherence to general laziness. I have shit, it works, its comparably priced, I'm not poor. Why do I give a fuck?
  4. Why? Becuase you think I should? I think you need to subsist entirely on a diet of brain food, go back to school, spend at least 10 more hours per week working on your critical thinking skills, and probably your personal hygeine. But I'm guessing just becuase I think you should do that means you will do that. I've never been unable to play a song I wanted on Apple. Good enough.
  5. This is time wasting that I enjoy. Wasting my time making an xls of the streaming services so I can pro/con that shit is not. It's $10, and it gives me music.
  6. Imagine me spending my limited time on evaluating the best and worst streaming services as opposed to picking the easiest one that already has all my kid's playlists and going with it.
  7. That's a pretty outdated joke considering Apple Music exists, for $10 a month, which I believe is the same as YT Music.
  8. I'm guessing his checking account and upward mobility.
  9. It's almost like it's all been done by design.
  10. And this is why you just walk the fuck away. Because they're unwilling to consider anything that isn't already in their preferred worldview, and much like the Republican party, it is rules for thee and none for them.
  11. Maybe we should get rid of Luis De Joy and the rididulous law Republicans impleneted that required all employee pensions to be PRE FUNDED, so that private companies could complete with the USPS easier, and things would go back to normal, more reasonable rates and coverage.
  12. Lol. America can only fight so many battles at once. China, Ukraine, now the Middle East. They're one of the largest ecnomies in the world, and they're not militantly annexing or declaring war on any other nations...yet. You're right, lets slap them with tarrifs and sanctions becuase they buy russian oil. Great fucking idea. You'd be the first knob screaming "look what Biden did to our economy" when that happened.
  13. Becuase not everyone is all that familiar with the guy, lots of posters don't even read handles when they read posts. So to swat this stupid motherfucker's shit when we see it is worthwhile.
  14. "I don't support the only scenario in which Ukraine can win, but that doesn't mean I'm not pro-Ukraine, guys." GTFO. Two questions. 1.) Exactly how many non binary posters do you think post in the CR? 2.) What Percentage would you consider necessary to be categorized as "dominant?"
  15. Good. Let them continue to focus on Woke bullshit while their congregants and adeherents continue to flee that fucking cesspool. In another generation, they'll just be a few mega chruches and people properly branded as insane religous extremists. Assumgin we make it another generation.
  16. I don't understand a single thing any of you have said in this entire thread.
  17. Have to think Cali and other progressive states won’t join until this current climate is mitigated.
  18. Indeed. I’m m sure IHeartRadio will their funding in q2.
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