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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by SydneyCarton

  1. Pretty sure that's also just called "being a moron." You met a lot of morons that get their idiocy exposed and suddenly have a Eureka lightbulb moment? Because I never have.
  2. I dont understand why the specifics of jurors should be released to anyone other than a group of people in the Judge's chambers. And then if it leaks from there, trace that shit and have folks sanctioned or disbarred.
  3. Yeah, I'm not sitting here going "WTF Fox News," at least, not about this specific thing. I'm sitting here going "everyone who is letting these details out, including reading them in open court, should be fucking fired/jailed/fined" etc. Why the FUCK wouldn't you read these details out in a closed session with just the teams invovled?
  4. Filet and ketchup, huh? And I say that as a guy who likes ketchup.
  5. Someone can explaint to me what having some clown on the floor "guard" against unsavory bills means. What are they, tackling people who want to call legislation to vote? That being said, this would be funny and hilarious if the end result likely wasn't further delays on Ukraine funding, and other things. When the Russians buy these guys, they really stay bought.
  6. I'll take a stab: "Becuase I believe all of those things are good things!"
  7. So he flipped his opinion on Feb 28th, and we're just now hearing about it 6 weeks later, and after several rejected efforts to bring a Ukraine funding bill to the floor by Johnson. That would make the question more like...why did he block efforts to bring the bill to the floor before now? No, it can't be that the numbers for a discharge petition were reach, or that Iran attacked Israel. That would make too much sense.
  8. You're a sensitive boy, Tommy. It was a joke that you go out of your way at every possible moment to remind everyone that Catholics outnumber evangelicals in Texas. Please, carry on with your thread.
  9. Yeah, I'm not super familiar with how to spell Russian names, and I didn't google Mikhail, I suppose I should have. That's on me.
  10. The thing that's changed is that now he's HAD the position. Why the fuck would he, or anyone, want it?
  11. I don't go to the football board. Campaigning for anything to be more like the Football board is a choice. The TV shows thing is more like...you think we should have separate threads for diferent seasons. Which isn't what happens. Just admit you wanted to post about the Catholics. It's ok, we all have our own quirks. Just own it.
  12. Why the fuck would you make a new thread on this and not just put it in the Abortion Demogue thread? The fight against birth control in general is already discussed there at length? Oh. You wanted another spot to talk, yet again, about how Catholics outnumber any other sect of Christianity in Texas. Of course you did. Next lets get YGIFS in here talking about Heidi Cruz. Then you can respond with some general unfettered optimism, and he can counter with how dotard is going to stroke out, you can respond and discuss how to deal with is Q-in-laws, and then he talk talk about all the drugs he's going to do when Trump dies. While that cyclone spins for eternity, maybe that shit can all be self contained in this thread.
  13. Clueless. They're clueless. Mad respect for the dudes rolling out of the strip club at 9 am.
  14. We should send all that aid from Ukraine to Hawaii? Marjorie, help us understand exactly what Hawaii and Ohio are going to do with millions of rounds of ammunition and a bunch of war technology that we're about to decomission? Fucking. Idiot.
  15. Lol. The republicans are broke all over. They don't have money to spend. They'll still win, too. Love me some Jasmine Crockett, but color me skeptical that Texas will react well to electing a black woman to statewide office. Honestly, a black man is already a stretch.
  16. "Oh weird, I can't remember a time when I struggled to buy groceries for my family. Therefore no one else must struggle to buy groceries. I guess poverty and a living wage is total made up bullshit." You're certainly the Mikhaile Jordon of being a son of a bitch. It's just effortless.
  17. Shit WILL go to hell? You mean like a 3rd world country electrical grid, the abandonment of public school funding, things like that? That will start happening?
  18. Also Houston Heights adjacent. Went up 15%.
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