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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sawbonz

  1. This historical recreation is a pretty good summary
  2. Is the Nate Paul stuff state or federal?
  3. I’m just going to pretend this didn’t happen. Who plays Wade Garrett?
  4. Are there any disclosure rules for entities or individuals purchasing more than a certain dollar amount of stock? Also, what if you hold an IPO and no one shows up? In other words presumably they have a target price per share. If bids aren’t close to that amount, is there a minimum below which they can refuse to sell the stock, or do they have to put a set amount of the stock out there and take whatever the market will pay?
  5. Don’t take his comments personally, Vermin
  6. How long until OF?
  7. The DPS office in Waxahachie is filled with the most pleasant, helpful people you can imagine. Honestly seems like it can’t really be a DPS office
  8. Why would I waste time trying to figure out if they have something substantive to say when what they put out for quick public consumption is such ridiculous tripe?
  9. There is a certain type of person who can only see any given topic in terms of how it does or does not affect them personally
  10. If someone tweets stupid bullshit, why would I be expected to sift through all that to find any valid and thoughtful points that person may have?
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