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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sawbonz

  1. Isn’t he planning on being at the Tech game? We should fly a “Bert Yarmuk is not our standard” banner
  2. Fattie is on a mandatory vacation but he’s still reading threads and negging SAD!
  3. NCAA only requires yearly scholarships but I think to be a member of P5 one of the stipulations is fully guaranteed scholarships
  4. I thought P5 scholarships could not be pulled based on performance; meaning the athlete has to quit. It seems pretty weak to quit because you are told the coach is trying to recruit over you. That’s the case for all but maybe a couple of guys on any team. Had they not quit I’m sure there were endless Oklahoma drills in their future
  5. I Which is what what the buck said Bo was doing decades ago. Sounds like you agree. * unless you’re naive enough to believe Bo was only making it hard to make them better and not running certain players off
  6. I don’t give a shit why they left. I can still point out a stupid argument
  7. The fact that they left pretty much proves that they couldn’t hack it. And it’s pretty easy to believe that they were run off without explicitly being told to leave, weird that you are pushing that angle. Again, it happens all the time. As for my comments, it’s a public message board 🤷‍♂️
  8. I don’t give a shit why they quit do you? The point is they sucked and now they are sucking somewhere else.
  9. Other than the trash product they put on the field?
  10. What evidence can you point to that shows they were working hard prior to his arrival? Edited to add coaches have been running players until they quit as long as there have been coaches. If you’ve ever been around a collegiate program, hell, even some high school programs, who get a new coach, you know that is standard operating procedure.
  11. If he wins 8 games it would be hard to argue against him. I don’t expect it but the fact that it’s even still in play at this point is pretty surprising
  12. How do you have a busted play coming off a timeout
  13. Flagrant 2 at 8 sec mark. Someone needs to make a negged gif
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