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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sawbonz

  1. This thread is not good for me and I’m bowing out. Two of my children lost friends to suicide caused by online bullying. One was friend of my eldest daughter’s friend and was a trans girl with a very supportive family and friend group and the other was my eldest son's best friend who was a wonderful boy but who was very insecure and lacked impulse control. Both were bullied online. Derka you are a wonderful person and I wish you nothing but happiness in your life.
  2. Are you going ban me for pointing out you’re an asshole? Go for it. I left for about six months due to the general assholish behavior which tends to bring out the worst in me. This thread is reinforcing that that was probably a good idea.
  3. give me a fucking break. Everyone on this website who spends any time on the football or basketball boards knows who the usual suspects are with respect to bullying Derka. You don’t need any fucking examples. You don’t want to acknowledge what is going on, and that’s fine it’s your website and of course it’s easier to get rid of him than deal with the assholes. More power to you and go fuck yourself
  4. List the posters with (diagnosed) mental illness. Then we can look at who is picking on them and act accordingly. Of course it’s easier to get rid of someone with mental health issues than deal with dickheads who like to repeatedly bully that person. You missed your calling as a 7th grade teacher
  5. Did he drink bleach at some point in his life?
  6. Decisions decisions. Do you want a Bible, or one and a half shares of DJT?
  7. Let’s be very clear here. We all know what happens with Derka he often takes criticism of his opinions as an attack and overreacts. He has mental illness, that he freely acknowledges. Everyone here knows that. There are certain posters who go out of their way to bully Derka. We need to call this what it is. It is not trolling. It is bullying someone with mental health issues, and it is not acceptable behavior. There should be a zero tolerance for this kind of behavior. If a mod has had to address this bullying multiple times from a single poster, that poster should be gone from this website. I don’t care who they are, I don’t care if they’re the owner’s best friend, or contribute substantially to the ad revenue, or other aspects of this website. Bullying has a high correlation with self harm and suicide among the mentally ill. Fuck all of you who have participated in that. eta this post has nothing to do with whether I think Derka should be allowed to continue to participate in the website, but this behavior toward him has been going on across multiple websites now.
  8. Ignored posters who are quoted by other posters still show up in your feed correct? I don’t see how this is a reasonable solution. If someone’s being a dick and bullying another poster, you need to address that.
  9. It's worth 5 minutes of your time. Although y’all may be the type that has to sound out some of the words
  10. Context? 14 sec clip is ridiculous. Does he think he’s running against Obama? Is it some random theoretical race and he’s just being his normal racist asshole self?
  11. He used to get overhead paged at Parkdale Mall quite a bit in the mid 80s
  12. I don’t think there’s any way any miscreants can keep this stock propped up long enough for Trump to get permission to sell these shares. At this point, it’s going to take a group of billionaires taking it private for him to get any money out of it. I realize anything he gets is a profit for him since he didn’t put any actual money in, but I don’t think this is going to save him
  13. He’s going to commit fraud on that financial statement isn’t he? can the bond issuer get in trouble for having issued the bond if the financial statement shows that Trump doesn’t have enough equity in the pledged properties to cover the 175 million, or is it simply more financial risk for them?
  14. In our case it has nothing to do with the principals and superintendents and salaries are pretty good imo starting >50K per year.
  15. Public school high school teachers in general don’t give a fuck and neither do the students by and large. This seems to be a post pandemic phenomenon. My kids are in IB classes and rarely have homework or projects. My eldest who is 4 years ahead always had an hour or more each night. There has been close to 100% turnover of the IB teachers. If they weren’t almost done I’d move them to private and I am adamantly opposed to private schools eta there is a tremendous amount of teacher absenteeism as well. Teachers will be gone for a week or more for “personal“ reasons. I just can’t imagine so many teachers can have health problems that require them to miss substantial blocks of school. And the substitutes these days do absolutely nothing, not even just following the lesson plan from the teacher. Half the time, if it’s an afternoon class, the sub will just tell them they can leave
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