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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sawbonz

  1. Pretend it’s an alligator eating the smaller value. That’s how I do it
  2. That’s not the correct analogy. If I deal with Medicare or any govt payer — and now thanks to the Forest Park verdict any payer who uses electronic means or the mail to send me a payment across state lines— any mistake I make in billing, accepting payment, or even bringing cases to certain facilities, is imputed to be fraud. Oops my incompetent lawyer drafted the documents wrong or oops my incompetent lawyer, whom I in good faith trusted, gave me erroneous advice will not protect me from federal PMITA prison. eta i guess it’s possible but I can’t believe healthcare law is the only area where intent to defraud is presumed
  3. So no level of competency is expected by the court. In fact, incompetence is expected and obviously rewarded. When all faith is lost in the courts and shit starts burning I’m sure you will be shocked. Me, not so much
  4. I would assume a bond would pretty much be boiler plate. Do you really think we should believe that it is common for hundred plus million dollar agreements to be drafted by incompetent dumbasses?
  5. Is it not incumbent upon the issuer of the bond to know whether it is adequate or not before submitting it? Seems pretty fucking crazy if not. Also, wouldn’t knowingly submitting an inadequate bond be fraud?
  6. I’m pretty sure restricting nursing home residents from voting will be a net negative for republicans at this juncture
  7. “A vote for RFK is a vote for TRUMP!!!”
  8. What group of dem voters does that dipshit appeal to?
  9. Pet peeve: please don’t use semicolons simply to connect 2 independent clauses. Do you think your reader’ brains really process it any differently than a period? Save them for clauses that need a conjunctive adverb to facilitate transition.
  10. They don’t put bourbon in it or nothin?
  11. This should be his official presidential portrait if one must hang in the White House
  12. This thread is not good for me and I’m bowing out. Two of my children lost friends to suicide caused by online bullying. One was friend of my eldest daughter’s friend and was a trans girl with a very supportive family and friend group and the other was my eldest son's best friend who was a wonderful boy but who was very insecure and lacked impulse control. Both were bullied online. Derka you are a wonderful person and I wish you nothing but happiness in your life.
  13. Are you going ban me for pointing out you’re an asshole? Go for it. I left for about six months due to the general assholish behavior which tends to bring out the worst in me. This thread is reinforcing that that was probably a good idea.
  14. give me a fucking break. Everyone on this website who spends any time on the football or basketball boards knows who the usual suspects are with respect to bullying Derka. You don’t need any fucking examples. You don’t want to acknowledge what is going on, and that’s fine it’s your website and of course it’s easier to get rid of him than deal with the assholes. More power to you and go fuck yourself
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