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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sawbonz

  1. We could fix 90% of our immigration issues by legitimizing economic refugee status for Central Americans and starting a guest worker program with Mexico that is separate from the immigration process. But republicans would never go for the former and not one enough on either side would go for the second. Oh well
  2. This stupid fuck thinks simply acknowledging the historical discrepancies, some of which extend to the present day, somehow makes him culpable on a personal level. And probably is worried that if little white kids learn about it they will feel bad about themselves because of their skin color. I doubt he knows any works by Poe other than The Raven. And he probably only knows that because of The Simpsons
  3. He probably does have some fiends Again crt doesn’t assert this. You are an idiot
  4. Charlie Kirk dropped out of junior college
  5. Nobody gives a fuck if you are laughing. You are a stupid ignorant fuck and I don’t say that lightly. Or about many people. You come in here and make glib comments about something that has had life and death effects on your fellow man and won’t even bother to educate yourself on it. And you are gleeful that demagogues are using graduate level theory to outlaw teaching our schoolchildren that black people suffered terrible physical violence and political and economic oppression at the hands of whites solely based on skin color. I don’t doubt that you don’t hate black people. I don’t think anyone here is saying that. Also I don’t believe you have a degree from any four year school let alone UT
  6. You don’t know what crt is. No judgement. You are a moron
  7. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 go fuck yourself Poe
  8. I think if you buy the cocaine the strippers will follow
  9. I’m sure there are a whole bunch of rich entitled racists who are deacons there. Need way more specifics to dox
  10. To the victor went the spoils up until the 20th century
  11. Admit what what is? Go ahead and tell us and answer my questions upthread about home loans
  12. And yet you won’t demonstrate that knowledge for us interesting
  13. Man I wish I had thought to stroll around campus with a walking stick
  14. I really don’t think he’s bright enough to argue in bad faith. He really thinks Tulsa and Rosewood had nothing to do with skin color, and blacks in the south had no interest in voting
  15. You think blacks and whites in the post ww2 US were given home loans based on the same criteria? How about in 2022? Be sure and support your answer with links
  16. You think it warrants the attention of the state (and presumably federal) government. So yes you are scared You really should at least be able to give a proper explanation of what it is. Be something to talk about when your daughter brings her black boyfriend (or girlfriend) home for dinner
  17. A cursory look at the violations shows they were for payments to players. Now that we have NIL it seems kind of dumb to make a big deal about that type of past offense. Had they won a national championship I could see stripping it, but punishing current/future players for paying those former players a fraction of what current players get seems silly IMO
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