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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by MissingInAction

  1. They fit in your prison wallet easier than modern phones.
  2. Reality is not a "view". Being ignorant of reality is also not a view, it's just being a dumbass.
  3. This 100% happened. Russia 2.0 up in this bitch.
  4. Time knows exactly what they're doing. That orange toad is so easily manipulated.
  5. Gingers are immune to curses. One must have a soul before it can be cursed.
  6. I can neither confirm or deny that.
  7. This whole thing really interferes with my plans of conceiving a bunch of Americans with Latina immigrants. Booooo
  8. I'm honestly concerned he's going to parrot dear leader and start cutting state programs, agencies, etc. Many are subsidized by Fed money so will hot 🔥 wheels make up for that shortfall? Fuck no.
  9. The mad man is going after faith based charities now, and to weed out any anti Christian policies of the federal shit show. Better keep a copy of the Bible handy once the inquisition starts.
  10. There are also Palestinian Christians. At least that's what my Palestinian booze vendor told me.
  11. Sure make upgrades while planes are in mid flight. What could go wrong? I've done many an upgrade of enterprise level systems over the years, and no amount of prep can prevent inevitable fuckery. That's just how it is. Why we always do it on a Friday night then spend the weekend fixing the fuckery.
  12. Swasticars is already taken so I got nothing.
  13. I did that at my Dr appt today. Sat down and started to let it rip when I realized there is a high chance of someone actually requiring the stall. Luckily that didn't happen.
  14. I cut my family out in the middle of Bidens term. They were already insufferable assholes, but their non stop spewing of hate and ignorance was too much. I wasted too much time on trying to share actual reality, but their only response would be personal attacks aimed at me. I get pissed off just typing this. They can wallow in their misery without me. Also had to cut out a friend for his maga shit. Gave him a second chance, asked how he was doing. His response, "Great now that we have our country back;" Blocked and forgotten
  15. You're so hot you could melt all this stuff.
  16. So when do we get our sweet gov issued Tesla's?
  17. Those morons are going to run like rabbits when they see a phalanx of machine gun drones coming their way. I sure as fuck would.
  18. High level. Like a corporate entity, but with illegal murder.
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