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Everything posted by Crapinon

  1. A few years ago I was sitting in a courtroom in Sweetwater concerning a ticket. 81 in a 65 construction zone (with no construction anywhere). Same cop had pulled me over for the exact same speed 2 weeks before. He let me go with a warning the first time but was mega pissed the second. Anyway, there was a guy talking to the judge who I'm guessing worked the oil patch in Odessa. He got clocked at 105 mph in a 65. The DA asked him why he was driving 105. He replied he didn't know it was a 65 mph construction zone. Beyond pissed, she looked at him and said " Can you please tell me anywhere in the state the speed limit is 105 mph"? He said he wasn't sure.
  2. No. Some things are better left unsaid.
  3. We have two old cats, 19 & 17. Both are in pretty good shape but the 19 yo is deaf and half senile. No reason to put her down, she's just getting old. She has a hard time hitting the litter box and ends up peeing on the floor, so I got a plastic tray to put under the litter box. We add a pad and that takes care of most the problem. Occasionally we have to take it out in the back yard and rinse the tray off. The other day I came in and the tray was in the kitchen sink. I asked my wife why the hell was it there and not in the back yard. She said the back faucet was covered and she couldn't use it. I told her the cover comes off in 10 seconds, but even so, why didn't she just wash it off in the shower and not the sink. She said she bathes in the shower and didn't want to get it dirty with cat pee. I ask her if it made her feel any cleaner by washing it out in the sink we use to clean our cooking utensils, plates and silverware. Tone and silence.
  4. Don't think he blew it up before putting it over the muzzle. And yes this guy was scary badass. From what I gleaned from him, they would go and set markers at enemy fuel/supply sites. They had to stick around and help rescue a pilot if he was shot down. So when shit started exploding the Vietnamese knew they were still in the area and started looking for them. I gathered they used .22's because they were easy to silence and you could put a shot through someone eye at 75 yards without being heard. Maybe someone on here served there and could verify.
  5. A green beret I knew, who did some scary stuff in Vietnam, told me all you had to do was put a few drops of oil down the barrel and tape a balloon over the muzzle to silence one pretty well.
  6. Agree. But I'd bet they hurt themselves more when they fell and hit the concrete, than from those loopy, off balance punches.
  7. I'm with you Dale. I like the feel and flexibility of cash.
  8. I told my daughter it's going to save us a lot of money because we can just throw our cell phones away and talk/text through the network without them.
  9. Old enough to remember my dad parking in someone's yard at Fair Park and watching Meredith and Bart Starr play a preseason game in the Cotton bowl. I still have the pennants for both. I've got a lot of old Cowboy memorabilia (including individual pictures of everyone on the '71 team. A nickel a piece by mail). If they ever start winning again it might be worth something. The success of the Landry and the Johnson years set me up for decades of disappointment after JJ's ego took over.
  10. And you can't buy guns at the truck stop with a credit card.
  11. Got it. My other thought that she was just here for help.
  12. LOL at this thread on SECRANT; https://www.secrant.com/rant/sec-football/does-bama-stomp-uga-again-last-night-with-metchie-and-jameson-/100723822/ Lots of shout outs to Colt McCoy.
  13. Thoughts and prayers for the Shipley's. I've seen Colt's mom around town but didn't realize the Shipley's lived around here.
  14. LOL. There was an aggy caller on Mark Packers show who said those exact words. "I'm pulling for Bama' so we can at least claim we beat the national champion". Then he went on some kind of convoluted scenario about the the first series that had the host speechless because of its' delirium.
  15. While doing some genealogy, I discovered that my great grandfather fought in a Texas Confederate unit and did participate in a few battles. I do not understand why, other than some sense of obligation to the south. He was a dirt poor tenant farmer who didn't even own his own land much less another human being. And if you really want to read something batshit crazy...... this discovery caused me to look at The Sons of Confederate Veterans website. My wife qualifies as a DAR and I thought "why not?" heritage and all. That is until I started reading their beliefs. They still reference "The Catechism of the Confederacy" as their reference point of all things Civil War. It's some of the biggest revisionist diatribe I have ever read. Look it up if your not familiar with it. I don't know how it could be accepted when it was written in the 20's much less today. And back to the point of the OP; we sell some items to public schools. A few years ago a custodian came in on MLK day wanting to pick some stuff up. I asked him why he was working on a holiday. He told me he was taking off on Robert E Lee's birthday instead though he wouldn't really say why. Not like we couldn't read between the lines.
  16. Crapinon

    Getting old sucks

    When I had rotator cuff surgery I tool Tylenol 4 and Tramadol, eventually relying on Tramadol when the Tylenol ran out. I can't handle opioids. They screw with my sleep pattern and I'll wake up seeing imaginary stuff dancing around the room. I understand Tramadol works more like a anti-depressant. It worked for me but I learned never quit cold turkey. I did and it was hell. Look up Tramadol Brain Zaps. I'm guessing it's my bodies way of telling me I need to return to the painkillers of my youth. Pot and whiskey
  17. Sorry SAD. I played Jr High and HS and got interest (though no offers) from SWC schools. I played hurt all the time. But i never jumped for joy like that with an ankle injury.
  18. I'm sure the dancing and jogging he did as he left the stadium were simple doctor prescribed stretching exercises.
  19. I haven't been to a Cowboys game in a few years. Do they still wear coats and ties to NFL games?
  20. Buy a couple of these at Walmart. Oil filled electric heater. They're cheap, usually about $50, and will heat a good sized room. They don't use much electricity and they don't pose any type of fire hazard.
  21. Yeah, I love them and 20-30 mins is max for me.
  22. LOL. I told some of the guys in our group we could start a reverse mariachi type band. We could hire out to restaurants and play around tables who wouldn't leave after their meal was over.
  23. And that you have an incurable disease and are going to die.
  24. So I'm safe as long as I stick to official parades, funerals and my backyard?
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