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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Foosters

  1. Man, I'd hate to see your "non-politically correct" take.
  2. The most dangerous cities/towns in Texas based on number of violent crimes per 100,000 residents. I must say, I'm pretty shocked that some of these places have progressive prosecutors and woke county judges. Humble Lubbock Bastrop Palmview Livingston Houston Alamo Amarillo Beaumont
  3. Yes. The GOP is on TV every night telling Americans that all Dems should be voted out because the cost of Facebook and Twitter is too high. Oh wait, that's gas. Of course he's going to respond when your parties #2 issue (behind punishing gays and women) is gas prices. I know you claim to be an adult, but sometimes it's hard to take that at face value given your takes.
  4. I'd guess the proximity to the Downtown aquarium had something to do with it as well
  5. So the movie poster is a guy trying to keep a flag from touching the ground and he's planning on using a firearm in the effort? Shooting gravity?
  6. I wish I could play little league now, I'd kick some fucking ass MH
  7. Anyone else see the irony in Icono wanting to tear down an oppressive theocracy overseas, while explicitly stating he wants the same here in the US?
  8. Are we certain that's not a school board meeting here in America?
  9. The donor horse for the top set ate mostly oats, while the bottom horse drank black coffee and had a pack a day habit
  10. Please, Billy was his father's name. He prefers "Looch"
  11. I think part of the problem stems from misunderstandings like this that assume the only two positions are either whine about everything or sunshine pump.
  12. Honestly don't understand how some of these people make it through a season without multiple suicide attempts. But shit, maybe they don't. Their stupidity would certainly see them fail at that as well.
  13. So it's a game we got lucky in because their receiver dropped the long ball, but they didn't get lucky on the 2 deep misses to Cain?
  14. Lol you think Incredulity read the link? He just saw it was being mean to Trump and reflexively both sided the thread.
  15. Should we start a thread for Incredulity where he can whine about the Clintons and Obamas? I know he hates "both sides" rebuttals so it must have really pained him to make these posts.
  16. Hey guys Incredulity is looking for honesty lmao
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