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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Blotto

  1. You really have to soak it in to enjoy weekends in Provo.
  2. What makes you think Michael Dell or Mark Cuban give a fuck about whether or not the people in office are decent human beings. Both of those individuals care about one thing primarily, their own wealth and accumulating more. That's kind of the billionaire thing. Don't expect those dudes to act in any interest contrary to their wealth building. https://www.opensecrets.org/donor-lookup/results?cand=&cycle=&employ=dell&name=michael+dell&order=desc&sort=A&state=&zip=
  3. I skimmed the article and noticed enough Jesus talk to assume he diddles kids.
  4. What if - and believe me this is a hypothetical - but what if those 17,600 cops all had bumpstocks? Would that do anything for you?
  5. well at least we tried everything we could think of
  6. CDC is just killing it here. Hard to believe that fucking cockslap Patterson was slated for the gig. Who the fuck picked that clown.
  7. What does that have to do with Burke?
  8. Trump sets the narrative, bitch boy obeys his master.
  9. Stupid question time, who the fuck "owns" Gregory that would make it at all difficult for our athletic teams to play there?
  10. Pete Gillen is an announcer for CBS Sports network doing the Nevada vs New Mexico game. Dude's got the classic Northeast coach sounding voice. Just sounds like college hoops.
  11. Fuck anyone who refers to themselves as a bracketology "expert." How many do we really need anyway. I would argue "zero" is the correct number because its matters not one bit.
  12. Hold up..... are you under the impression that Nick Adams isnt a satire/troll account?
  13. Where does Catturd rank in the GQP power structure these days? In the unfortunate event that Trump makes it back into the WH, only to stroke out during a social media rant on the crapper, where is he in the order of presidential succession? Admittedly President CatTurd would be a tough pill to swallow, but at least we'll get to see the look on Rafael's smug face when he is summoned to lick CatTurds boots (which he will).
  14. What an absolute shit beer situation they got going on there.
  15. Disu now shooting a smooth 53% from deep on the season. That seems decent
  16. Get Pete Carroll just so the trojans heads explode while they bitch about mr bellytat
  17. Because football (and the associated TV revenue) funds the vast majority of a university athletic dept's operating budget, at universities left out of the mix gone are the days of swimming, golf, tennis etc... teams jetting around the country. The continued drive for more and more money will eventually choke out most college athletics as we're familiar with it. And it probably won't be a terrible thing either as the tail is wagging the dog at too many schools.
  18. Only when I'm posting my bowel movements on your mom's chest.
  19. What the fuck does that matter, I'm reading the thread now and all this dick-slapping about QE effectiveness is a waste of my valuable time. Its not like I'm a Surly lawyer and can just bill my clients.
  20. Ive noticed the same. I figure at some point I'll burn out my GI Tract and require diapers, but in the meantime my preferences with hot sauces, wings, etc... have grown markedly hotter the last couple of years.
  21. Please do, its a fucking annoyance in this thread
  22. Intuitively I want to believe you, but over the last 25 years UCLA has a record of 163-145 while Minnesota has a record of 163-144. That span covers 5 different coaches at UCLA.
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