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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Blotto

  1. its like that dude was grown in a lab with the express purpose of being a tech fan. They've really got that process dialed in.
  2. Pay? Did simpcity go down again? IYKYK.
  3. I don't know who this Kent Smith dude is, but if he keeps this up he won't be getting an invite to this year's annual aggy sheep "dipping" fundraiser at the chicken.
  4. Its legitimately funny to me that Tech brings out a dude to talk shit about Texas who we just facefucked by 50 last November. I'm somewhat surprised he can walk already after the train that Sark and the boys ran.
  5. classy fans, classy place. just 3 more games for the baseball team, and we never have to visit that syphilitic shithole again. And get a load of this loser https://streamable.com/drv8dl Yeah Joey, we know whose house it is. Everyone knows now.
  6. Scoreboard. Now run along and fuck off sand aggy.
  7. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-02-27/apple-cancels-work-on-electric-car-shifts-team-to-generative-ai Its probably the right move with the competitive landscape being what it is. But I bet if jobs were still running shit, they would have had a car out years ago.
  8. Take some deep breaths. Maybe a dump. Everythings gonna be fine.
  9. dude has played in 150 games. I'm sure he'll pick it up one of these days
  10. Rivalry built out of respect? With these cockbags? lulz.
  11. He's been saving it all up for this game. Probably post a 30 pt triple-double.
  12. same. i got -120 in game. Won't mind losing this one at all.
  13. Her poor tumor developed a Huckabeef. It never stood a chance against that toxic shit.
  14. Lulz, these lumpy faced cunts look like they were generated by an older generation entry-level AI engine.
  15. The A&M portion of the montage should be Luicci and Sharp on opposite sides of a glory hole. Liucci pulls back, wipes his mouth off with his sleeve, and bellows "gig em, ags" to which Sharp responds with a few girlish whoops and maybe a horse laugh for good measure.
  16. Haven't thought about that one in ages. Last time I checked, they were pursuing a covid vaccine several steps behind the big boys. Now it appears they are chasing the weight loss dream, once again several steps behind the big boys. Probably time to get in now, before they pivot to an AI company and really take off.
  17. Dont mind Fred, he can be a little ornery if you catch him before he's had his baby's blood.
  18. Wendy's can fuck right off with this bullshit. I can easily replace the once every five year pace I probably visited Wendy's, but I don't need this concept catching on. Who the hell wants to feel like they are exposed to getting fucked in the ass on every trivial commercial transaction we make. Subscription this, surge that......GET THE FUCK OFF MY LAWN.
  19. Ma....it was either me or him!
  20. Every time I see that dude play, I think the same thing. Seems like forever ago when he was on the 40.
  21. good luck getting ice time with all those pickleball douchebags hogging the rinks.
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