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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Blotto

  1. You could say the same thing about doorknobs
  2. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/26/us/politics/rfk-jr-vice-president-nicole-shanahan.html This was the broad married to Sergie Brin that Elon was rumored to have banged. Jr trying to tap into that sweet google money. From what little I've read, she seems reasonably capable, at least she's not a fucking moron like Rodgers Trump will probably make fun of her tits.
  3. lulz. this was the first google image suggestion. Get ya some, Ted.....I guess.
  4. You could have set the line at .5 and I'm still taking the under.
  5. The local school boards would require every student to spend one hour a day watching Trump highlights from the golf course. You know that fat orange fuck probably averages at least 15 strokes gained from the foot wedge alone every round.
  6. She's dumb as a pile of rocks. https://www.instagram.com/isabellamdeluca/
  7. "Uh, there are no other balls" should be the new GQP party motto
  8. https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/25/business/boeing-ceo-calhoun-leaving/index.html I guess the only unknown now is how many tens of millions Calhoun will receive in his "retirement" package.
  9. This guy seems like FTs are a strong part of his game
  10. Good Lord. Its gonna be a long evening for livestock in the CS Metro area.
  11. If this game goes to OT, Houston will be proper fucked
  12. you can hear those fucking weirdos whooping it up in the background. never change aggy. I know you can't
  13. Murkowski can eat a bag of shit. The GQP has been swallowing Trump's loads for 8 years, and she's just now starting to consider a change. Not that she will commit or anything. If she gets fucked to death by a rabid moose tomorrow, it would be a good day. Cunt
  14. Entertaining game. Just enough time left for shaka to slap the floor a couple of times and shit the bed.
  15. The violently loud 'ooooooooh' in the bar I'm at after that block was awesome
  16. That was a pretty baller move by hunter on that last play
  17. Brock makes draymond look like an intelligent player.
  18. We managed to hold off the masses at the Double Daves buffet for over two hours using that defense once.
  19. Boss is being a ballbuster on this one.
  20. They would have worshipped this man like a god over at Texags. Those dipshits would be storming the capital by now. or at least tearing down the capital fence.
  21. Lets see how the general tone of this thread changes if shaka does shaka things. https://www.muscoop.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=30c4d466418211fc73f187cdfaad6308&topic=65707.0 Lifetime extension, lulz.
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