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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by drt

  1. You've got upper management written all over you, don't ya?
  2. As someone who is trying to drink his way through what is now down to approximately 100 bottles, I will be the first to tell you I no longer buy beer to cellar. There's too much good beer readily available, and you'll happen onto 2 or 3 year old barrel aged stouts just hanging out on shelves in random stores. There are exceptions like dfh120, but this isn't 2011 when I would bring back beer from business trips almost every time I flew out of state. It just doesn't make sense anymore.
  3. It’s almost always done by using their own explosives to detonate it. Simpler and safer.
  4. KISS? what I'm wondering is what the ends are. They have the profile of normal galvanized pipe caps, but the part you can see looks multicolored or something.
  5. Looks like 1.5" or 1" pipe from the size of the stamps. I'm guessing the credit card scanner looking things are batteries, you'd need something to ignite it.
  6. drt

    Arsenal FC

    Ozil will deservedly get the plaudits for that one, but I'm on the Iwobi train now. He gave the ball away twice to start the game, and then proceeded to straight roast defenders right and left for the rest of the game while getting back and putting in a great shift defensively. More of that please.
  7. drt

    Arsenal FC

    Fuck that was nice.
  8. drt

    Arsenal FC

    Xhaka at LB, Auba on. Aannnnnnnd goal.
  9. drt

    Arsenal FC

    Well that was nice.
  10. If you do go airless, X5 would be my rec. I have one of the handheld graco that has the paint cup, and cleaning is a fucking pain. So much so that basically everything that isn't a big job I just roll or brush. But the big jobs require refilling the cup constantly. Go big or go home.
  11. You forgot the cobra and gas shortage
  12. Do either school actually pay their OCs? This is fucking awful playcalling, execution, everything.
  13. Where the fuck is the garlic?
  14. drt

    EPL 2018-19

    Is that Rojo? He looks a little out of shape if so...
  15. You’re being very sophomoric in general, but particularly here. You’ve had it explained to you that this is illegal by state law currently and would cost the city (ahem, you, me, and these other assholes) millions to fight and lose in court. Why the fuck are you advocating for Prop J rather than changing the law first? Honestly curious.
  16. drt

    USMNT 2018

    Well. We started playing like shit for the last 20 and deserved to be scored on.
  17. drt

    USMNT 2018

    I mean I just turned it on, but the last 10 minutes have been decent.
  18. drt


    I finished the bottle of balcones blue last night and I'm about to kill the last of my buffalo trace. Guess I’m headed to TW Brodie this week. ER still available most of the time there?
  19. drt

    EPL 2018-19

    Took a peek at the table, nice and tight at the top. Looks like it will be a more entertaining season for the neutral fan this year.
  20. drt

    Arsenal FC

    Ya, not inspiring besides Leno looking like a great shot stopper. Glad we did enough but we were outplayed for long stretches of the match.
  21. I watered my new sod this morning. You're welcome.
  22. Well, when you're selling there are 2 ways to make money: sell to the top or sell to the bottom. Rich people have high expectations and there aren't too many of them. Requires a high price premium product, and then more work keeping the customer happy after the sale. Poor folks will take what they can get, and there are a whole lot more of them. They also lack the means and opportunity to be selective. This whole situation is predatory.
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