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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by drt

  1. There are a few qualifiers like you can't be committing a crime on most term policies. Pretty sure if it was proven you paid someone to shoot you the insurance company wouldn't pay out.
  2. I think we might finally be paying teachers a bit more after all this bullshit is done.
  3. On the one hand I agree with you. The other side of the coin is that perhaps she's shown just how easy it is to be a functioning member of the city council.
  4. drt

    USMNT 2021

    Goddamn we have some players now. Praise Jebus.
  5. Has price of metal roofing jumped (snap lock, if that makes a difference)? More or less than price of architectural shingles?
  6. I sent my mid 60s mom the info about the TX CARES survey. She got her first draw yesterday, had Pfizer, and 2nd shot was mid-Feb. She's at 288 for spike antibodies and no prior infection. I told her to go find a 3rd dose of Moderna in the next week or 2. Really wish the the powers that be would get off their ass.
  7. I didn't stay in a holiday inn last night, but if 3.5% of the kids currently have covid, there are no remote learning options, and the community is staunchly against masks, I don't see any way this is the peak. IMO there's no way the student body in a K-12 school is close to herd immunity with those conditions. Hope for your sake I'm wrong, and none of the kids become one of the really bad statistics.
  8. Weller on the fucking shelf. After a goddamn hurricane took the roof off. I can't even find Buffalo Trace and this dude...
  9. I think everyone signed up for the Texas CARES study: https://sph.uth.edu/projects/texascares/ It's 3 free antibody tests over 6 months
  10. For those of you keeping track of the TX CARES info, I had Moderna, 2nd shot 3/30/21; Spike protein antibodies 1102, negative for infection.
  11. Yeah I signed up and was in CPL 20 minutes later. Total time less than an hour today. We’ll see what the numbers are tomorrow.
  12. drt

    Austin FC

    Well, MLS has a pretty good model of how to do expansion teams that are going to be reasonably successful. Take an established USL team that is decent, add a bit more money and a few designated players, and make sure it's in a soccer hungry market. See Seattle et. al. All of the newly created expansion teams haven't done well. Add in a rookie head coach, and a front office that really hasn't done us any favors with the players they've chosen to bring in, and it's not surprising we're struggling. Honestly I thought last night was Wolfe's best in game decisions (not that it's saying much), yanking Cecilio early was a big call that obviously was the right move. Our guys look tired, and I hope he decides to modify his system. I know the 3-5-2 is the flavor of the times, but asking one of our 3 best mids in Ring to drop into defense so that our slow wingbacks can be rather ineffective and provide width just isn't working, they keep recycling possession rather than crossing the ball or attacking via the dribble. At this point I think we'd be better off just playing a 4 man backline and actually asking our attacking mids to provide width in the attack as a general rule. And for god's sake can we stop asking Fagundez to play on the outside of a 3 man front? His late runs in the attacking 3rd are his best offensive attribute.
  13. Going to be a tough argument he had no knowledge of lying on the warrant imo. Weren't there drop guns and drugs found? "Hey Goines, since we're sitting behind the trunk of the car talking about the particulars of this raid, you want to explain why there's a key of cocaine in your trunk next to the m4?" Maybe this guy was actually the new kid not into the same shit as the rest of Goines and crew, but I find it more likely he was cut from the same cloth as the rest of the guys there. Otherwise there would be a chance once the evidence was planted he'd say something.
  14. drt

    Austin FC

    3 is embarrassingly slow.
  15. drt

    Austin FC

    Poch really needs to put that on frame.
  16. drt

    Austin FC

    Decent chance to end it. Damn.
  17. drt

    Austin FC

    the giveaways have been terrible tonight
  18. drt

    Austin FC

    Wolfe was irate on several of his passes. Even the players asked him wtf on that last giveaway
  19. drt

    Austin FC

    To be fair, he only had to cover that guy because Lima was out of position and couldn’t make the recovery run.
  20. drt

    Austin FC

    Our outside backs get roasted consistently.
  21. drt

    Austin FC

    I'm not going, so hopefully this continues our trend of only scoring goals when I'm not there.
  22. So I guess it's been long enough that they think this won't move the needle?
  23. drt

    USMNT 2021

    Thats a lot of words, but I agree. If we aren't practicing on unmown turf before some of these games our coaching staff is doing us a huge disservice, moving the ball is completely different on shitty fields. We can't practice on a muddy, uneven field for player safety reasons but there's no reason not to have long slow grass for a training session or 2.
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