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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by drt

  1. drt

    Austin FC

    It’s probably been said, but this ref is all over the place with contact. He’s been pretty terrible all half.
  2. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/battle-syria-us-russian-mercenaries-commandos-islamic-state-a8370781.html?amp edit to add, the Wikipedia entry is more informative but pretty dry reading.
  3. I think the only surprising part of this story was that the cop was fired within days. That the entire jury was white sure wasn't. Story doesn't say if the cop was rehired there or elsewhere, but odds are pretty good he's gainfully employed as a LEO somewhere.
  4. Very unsurprising update: https://www.fox4news.com/news/wolfe-city-officer-shaun-lucas-jonathan-price-murder-trial.amp
  5. When should I apply compost this year? Austin area? Usually do it late September but this year is all sorts of fucky.
  6. As little as possible. While being pretty well funded.
  7. This is where my wife is. We had a rough go of it after our 2nd and had both finally come up for air enough to talk about a third. That conversation is done, barring we move or the laws change. We are both doing well at work, but actively talking about leaving if we can find the right situation. Austin always felt like home. Fucking assholes.
  8. Yeah I saw that. Didn’t post it because…whatever. But I’m pretty sure my kids are just going to have a different experience than I did.
  9. https://www.kxan.com/weather/weather-blog/2022-ranks-8th-for-most-triple-digit-days-in-a-single-year/amp/ 49. Ahead of 2011 YTD. We’re fucked.
  10. Hmm. The one I looked at earlier had the peaks within several hundred mW of each other. That looks much better.
  11. Just peeked at the Ercot graph. Could be a tight one today. Just like so many days recently. Cool, cool.
  12. Anyone else have sinus infection like symptoms that involve a cough? I tested again this morning and still negative on the at home tests, but I can't remember ever having a sinus infection lead to coughing before..
  13. Don’t forget it also takes really good operational security to communicate all those moving parts to meeting on the move for resupply. The Russians would like nothing more than to know where they could knock out the launchers and their ammo trucks at the same time.
  14. If you treat them with boric acid, sure...
  15. I mean, I got chastised the other day for using cripple instead of Jack stud, and master instead of primary bedroom, so I suppose it's a fair point.
  16. Yes, people used to use them that way. Stanco was proposing modern day upgrades to another poster (adding blown in cellulose, which is cheap and relatively easy). Someone thought recycled paper was a bad idea from a fire standpoint. My point was that modern cellulose added to homes is treated to mitigate that danger.
  17. Yes, cellulose insulation is treated with a flame retardant that also makes it less palatable to bugs.
  18. 78702 here for work. Out over whole neighborhood. Not sure about home which is 78735.
  19. I had a guy go down with heat exhaustion today. It’s hot. If you’re working outside, err on the side of caution.
  20. Also in Austin, but would absolutely recommend swapping units to sealed combustion. Carbon Monoxide is not to be fucked with.
  21. I used Whitaker's on South Lamar recently and had a good experience. Mine was a full bumper and tailgate for my F150, somone's wife wasn't paying attention. Around 3.5k IIRC, obviously her insurance covered it.
  22. You must have a big ass house and pool.
  23. Back in 2018 we pulled a permit for adding a bath and rearranging interior walls to fit (no new sq ft). They said it qualified as a major remodel, removed our homestead cap, and upgraded our condition on the house to being the same as all the new construction in the neighborhood. The resulting tax bill was based on a valuation at least a hundred thousand above the cost of the remodel even if I hadn't done the vast majority of the work. That made our taxes almost more than our mortgage. All for a little 1300 sq ft starter house. I didn't know the tax code above so we just got fucked until we moved (to a new house where our homestead started higher...yay!). Its definitely a strategy and they're deliberately going after money they shouldn't, hoping they don't get called out on it. Now if they'd just value commercial halfway intelligently, they wouldn't have to do any of this shit. As it stands this is just one of the reasons Austin is un-fucking-affordable.
  24. Yeah, you pull a permit with any decent amount of work, TCAD generally says fuck you, pay me. (ie your house is now PRACTICALLY NEW!…except it’s not) This is why people don’t pull permits. At some point someone is going to die because of shitty work directly related to this practice. I don’t know if the lawsuits will make it all the way back to TCAD, but they should.
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