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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ChuckNorrisActionJeans

  1. These Kancel Kulture Karens who are getting books banned, field trips squashed etc. know very fucking well that they could just opt their kid out from the "offensive" event or text, and issue solved. But as always, it's about control with these freaks. Gotta decide it for every family because they're addicted to moral outrage and superiority. And I feel like we're just kinda letting them do it. Or maybe there are no sane people willing to speak up in places like Spring Branch....
  2. does it seem like football players have a way higher incidence of cancer in their families?? Losing moms, sisters etc. left and right
  3. What she said is the absolute essence of protected First Amendment speech. Not threatening, harassing, obscene, etc. And government representatives punishing her for it is the essence of a First Amendment violation.
  4. these bills are absolutely batshit and warrant several good riots.
  5. You keep saying that. Nothing in our elections shows any possible trend in that direction. They are just power grabbing because they can.
  6. Not sure Oklahomans in power would care or be displeased about any of that unless there's a fetal/infant mortality rate in there. Very few replies to the tweet and the first one is: First - we are failing them by calling some men women. Fix that first. And then "what is a woman" and "trans is a mental illness" This country's troglodytes are many, easily led, and thoroughly diseased.
  7. He could only hope to look that good.
  8. ^^^ This. An amoral psychopath.
  9. This is fucking insane. Authoritarian erasure of a population is here. It's not hypothetical or in the works, it's here. If you believe in a free society, it's high time to start speaking out and doing everything you can. No doubt more states including our own backwater state are next. And more targeted groups are being queued up because the guardrails are failing.
  10. Seems odd for the judge to release this evidence before it's a matter of public record in the trial (at punishment). It's still a potential issue for appeal/motion for new sentencing. Ah well guess I should just enjoy the Abbott depantsing. Abbott in a sane world: "New information has come to light and I have decided that the use of my pardon power in this case is not appropriate at this particular juncture." Real Abbott: Insulates self and never answers any questions ever, can either do nothing or proceed with pardon while still answering no questions, and no consequences for him either way.
  11. is this punishment evidence ? Why is the judge releasing this or is this legally imprecise journalism?
  12. Wow. And I wouldn't doubt that a major part of his appeal will be based on the admission of the extraneous (other "bad act") evidence under the rules of evidence -- rule 404 and then 403
  13. If you're referring to me, you've got three errors in your gotcha. People who argue this type of farming is necessary to survival and appropriate aren't worth arguing with.
  14. So without factory farming, billions starve? Look around at your fellow Americans and consider whether mixing in a salad instead of daily bbq and burgers might be a good thing.
  15. Disgusting. No animal, even livestock, should live (or die) that way. Fuck factory farming/feed lots/large-scale dairy. Fucking cruel.
  16. I don't know if anyone is interested but me... but this is a very thorough and brutal take-down of Kaczmarek's decision, which answered basically all of my questions. https://adamunikowsky.substack.com/p/mifepristone-and-the-rule-of-law-9c4 Now, the Fifth Circuit (2-1) has upheld all restrictions on the drug from before they were loosened several years ago (guess they couldn't avoid ruling that the statute of limitations expired to challenge original FDA approval) and in doing so, rubber stamped the insane finding of plaintiff standing, bloviating on the risks of the drug, etc. Read Unikowsky's analysis -- he clerked for Scalia-- and you get even more outraged that our federal judiciary has been taken over by activist nut jobs who will twist the law well past the breaking point to get what they want. He doesn't say that. He doesn't have to.
  17. Anything I Don't Like is Neo-Marxist by Ron DuhSantis
  18. Legal eagles -- is there any way that SCOTUS (assuming they ignore the glaring standing problem) doesn't uphold Kaczmaryk based on the plain language of the Comstock Act? And why the f didn't anyone move to repeal that bullshit? Talk me down from the ledge plz?
  19. Sure, I benefited. My privilege is real, but it's not as whole as that of the dominant group. The party in power here would just as soon see me dead, perhaps even celebrate it. Their policies show that. And I don't have it nearly as bad as some.
  20. Who's this "we?" You got a mouse in your pocket? (says the member of two increasingly shit-on marginalized groups)
  21. That's right, there is no right of self-defense in Texas. JFC these mendacious pieces of shit that short-circuit the brains of the rubes. It ought to be criminal.
  22. The whole premise that the plaintiffs have standing is ludicrous to me. And from the portion I read on standing, Kaczmaryk says (1) there's no conflict of interest here like there would be if, say, a woman sues her "abortionist" (he repeatedly uses the term abortionist, which I guess Alito used too). And (2) Evidence shows women don't have a close, or even any, doctor-patient relationship with their abortionist, so these plaintiffs are certainly closer to the issue than that. Because plaintiffs provide post-abortion care -- obviously a more solid doctor-patient relationship. Absolute batshit.
  23. [Kavanaugh] So what's wrong with that?? [Kavanaugh]
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