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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ChuckNorrisActionJeans

  1. that and 50% of eligible voters don't bother to vote, mostly concentrated in our cities
  2. if there's any doubt left about her being batshit, they were "vacationing in Mississippi" when contacted by police [shudder]
  3. yes but I'm gonna need more confirmation than a tweet starting with "word on the street is..." and two replies
  4. oh come on, like absolutely anything would ever come of that. Great job by Trump of destroying confidence in the legal system for "both sides"
  5. Side note. It's interesting -- well, not really -- that the right seizes on the shooter's apparently being transgender, but not a peep about the reported autism. Not one. The Sandy Hook shooter was autistic as well, maybe others too. Which of course, matters not for shit because the only one single thing consistent in every single school shooting is the fucking guns designed to kill shit tons of people.
  6. IIRC, that community is heavy on law enforcement/border patrol dudes and their families. Mix in the social conservatism of rural Hispanics and I guess you're at 60% for Abbott. Still fucking insane though. In addition to Israel, France likes to strike and burn shit when they're upset, like with Macron raising the retirement age. I agree we need some kind of national uprising in this country, particularly since the minority view has gotten entrenched into power through gerrymandering, SCOTUS/judiciary shenanigans, and the Senate. If the majority can't vote our way out of this, they leave us little choice....
  7. Truth. Heritage Baptist in Mansfield is a cult that harbors predators. Kids are homeschooled, and adult young men are expected to "court" underage girls and marry them at age 18. A young teen reported to her dad that an older dude in the church was abusing her. Dad met with church elders, they called a meeting during which she was slut-shamed, literally told it was her responsibility for tempting him, made to wear more "modest" dresses, etc. No consequences for him. Some years later as an adult, she finds out the dude had gotten busted for child porn and related stuff. On a hunch, she asks another girl she used to know from church if he'd done anything to her. Yep. They banded together and got the DA to bring charges and he was convicted (again). Oh and her dear old mom and dad had disowned her for being disobedient to the church. They showed up at the trial in support of the defense. Yes, this is the 21st century. These anachronistic zealots are the fucking groomers. One of those "elders" since moved and formed another of these fundie Baptist churches in Georgetown by the way.... short article: https://www.fox4news.com/news/man-sentenced-to-9-years-in-tarrant-county-for-indecency-with-a-child-charges
  8. Pretty sad about Grendel... 58 damn. Apparently I worked for years w/his stepbrother, a well-known character at our office, and didn't know it 'til looking at the obit just now.
  9. https://twitter.com/JaredLPatterson/status/1638593101185916942?s=20 embed? This tool says parents can't be trusted, so big bad gov't must step in to keep icky content out of kids' hands
  10. Good because 99% of everything that's couched in terms of "pro-children" is unmitigated horseshit
  11. Session after session, trans folks and their families, as well as some doctors, testify to the legislature about the facts and science regarding being transgender and the positive outcomes from treatment. Far more people testify in favor of trans rights than against, every time. The lege simply doesn't. fucking. care. Same as with abortion stuff. We need regular, ordinary people, outside of the trans community, to stand up en masse and be heard. Testify, rally, contact your reps, and all reps. Until that happens they won't see any downside to continue attacking and stigmatizing this group. It's gotten so ugly that attempted erasure and genocide are accurate terms for what they're doing. It's fucking horrifying.
  12. stoked for these upcoming Austin shows -- Tuna and the Rock Cats Ministry/Gary Numan/Front Line Assembly Sisters of Mercy Clan of Xymox ☠️🤩
  13. Ronnie is acting in loco parentis. Come on, you can trust him
  14. And going back-assward at high speed brought to you by the sexual predator and drunk driver Charles Schwertner. Actual criminals fucking up our future. All gas no brakes.
  15. How is it that this photo makes him look MORE masculine than he actually is?
  16. or at least wear a Viking-type helmet around the house until you get these dizzy spells sorted out.
  17. everything churro-related is shit. Nastiness.
  18. This is the "defense" they're going with. Laughable: “Trying to imply something sinister or inappropriate about a great-grandfather’s use of social media says more about the mind of the left-wing operative making the implication than it does about Randy McNally,” the statement read. “As anyone in Tennessee politics knows, Lt. Governor McNally is a prolific social media commenter. He takes great pains to view every post he can and frequently posts encouraging things to many of his followers. Does he always use the proper emoji at the proper time? Maybe not. But he enjoys interacting with constituents and Tennesseans of all religions, backgrounds and orientations on social media."
  19. I guess this isn't relevant, but damn C.B. is NOT easy on the eyes. Galapagos tortoise comes to mind.
  20. yep. "The Gathering USA" would also not be out of place as a title for a Pride event. Put it with a men's ministry, and you got super gay
  21. Isn't Walgreens CEO kind of Trumpy? Fuck them and fuck Kris mf'ing Kobaugh, jfc the right just recycles all these corrupt retreads after they lose an election, with the idiots voting them into another position
  22. So the default should be no hormone care for trans minors so that they go through irreversible effects of puberty, as if trans people just spring fully formed as their trans selves at the magical age of 18? Yeah how scientific.
  23. How would the 5th circuit support jurisdiction in that venue, and standing by the plaintiffs? Though it seems like standing isn't even a thing anymore, even for SCOTUS
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