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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ChuckNorrisActionJeans

  1. Hims just needs some hugs, instead he ostracized for bloody snoot
  2. Jesus Christ is he a fucking whiner. Can't listen to his bullshit voice even if he weren't lying to the public.
  3. I was actually just thinking, never noticed before how penis-like his nose is. Esp. in profile.
  4. So we're all good without any reform of Robin Hood/school funding, and we'll just bleed more money out of public education with voucher nonsense? Cool cool Race to the bottom at hand
  5. True story: Jimmy Johnson bullied Janis Joplin in high school and doesn't regret it.
  6. Touch DNA is a lot less valuable and reliable for identifying a particular person than blood, semen, etc. A good defense attorney can make some hay out of it if it's only touch DNA.
  7. Good for them for getting out. North Texas needs to clean its house in a big way. There should be consequences for the absurd amount of racism in that area -- says me, a former resident who has to visit now and then
  8. No -- chest compressions are critical. It's the breathing into the person that they said you could hold off on somewhat (lots of people don't want to do that part) but my understanding is you really should.
  9. Do they even know about this -- that is, is Fox News ignoring this or are they bragging about it? My mom had no idea about Paxton's transgender list gathering, and questioned whether that was made up... because obviously Fox etc. isn't going to showcase that shit
  10. I'm more and more struck with Sark's TinTin hairdo
  11. Wow that's not even his real name either. Actual name is Santos L. Halper
  12. have you asked about how there's anything left on earth with all the cats everywhere?
  13. And she looks real sane too. When the Nazis are on your side, you're on the wrong side. Not complicated.
  14. Not surprising he's hobnobbing with this bunch. He literally and explicitly vowed revenge against those he perceived as his political enemies, in his damned confirmation hearing. Unfit hack.
  15. For whatever it's worth (will amount to nada), that former evangelical guy who said Alito leaked Hobby Lobby testified before Congress today https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/robert-schenck-supreme-court-testimony-leak-b2241810.html
  16. He likes things that are illegitimate.
  17. uh yeah ok, what is this -- Q stuff? The only thing you got right is that churches (and not just some of them) are filled with abusers. Some are true pedos, others are just twisted opportunists who exploit whomever comes their way.
  18. what's the point of telling someone to drop their gun if the cops are going to shoot right then regardless?
  19. Wasn't blaming her for his abusive behavior. An entirely separate matter is that he's always been a batshit narcissist from what I could see, and I'm sure that would have shown itself after baby 1 at the very least to anyone in a relationship with him. Dude doesn't need to be a parent.
  20. Same deal as Earl Thomas. Sad and headed for disaster, likely due to CTE.
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