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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hate

  1. It doesn’t seem as if there are any plays. They play playground basketball right now. There is no real “leader” on the floor. The players seem too stupid to throw the ball very high and let Wemby go get it. They can’t play at a frantic pace, but don’t do anything to slow the game down. I’m really having a difficult time finding anything positive to say about this team other than the future seems bright with Wemby.
  2. A joint laced with fentanyl ?? That’s fucked up.
  3. I’ve never gotten into the really spicy peppers, but I’m so glad others have.
  4. He needs some help on the other side so he isn’t double teamed every play, but I suspect DeMeco will look to get him help in the draft/FA. I think DeMeco would like to follow the blueprint that he learned at SF of investing in your DL with high picks. A good DL makes your backend better at every position.
  5. It did make a huge difference. I could smoke a pack of lights a day and wake up feeling just “fine”. If I smoked a pack of reds?? I’d wake up feeling like my lungs had turned into oysters that needs to be coughed up.
  6. While this is true, the ownership of KC signs checks and collects trophies. They may have struck gold with Mahomes, but you really only see the Hunts when they are collecting AFC and Super Bowl Championship trophies. I’d like to see some more of the Hunt’s granddaughter though.
  7. I smoked Marlboro Lights, but my favorites were Marlboro Reds. I’ve quit for 18 years now and don’t miss it at all.
  8. If he really wanted to win he would hire a coach that he doesn’t control. He’d hire a GM and let the GM hire the coach. He’d sit back and count his money and collect trophies. But he can’t do that, so instead he just sits back and counts his money, which I could not give one single fuck about.
  9. How many of those wins were followed by a trophy presentation?
  10. I don’t know if dumb is the right word, but desperate is. The Browns were desperate to have a franchise QB and did what they thought they had to do. Their last franchise QB was Bernie Kosar. Think about that for a minute. There are many posters on this site who weren’t even born the last time the Browns were truly relevant.
  11. This is worse than the 20-62 team from 1997. They aren’t smart with the ball, they take terrible shots, they play horrible defense, and they flat out ignore their best player. This is Pop’s worst coaching job and it’s not even close.
  12. How many 30 pt deficits have we already had this year? More than the previous 30 years combined?
  13. Wemby didn’t touch the ball once that possession. What a stupid team this is.
  14. I just tuned in…holy shit that court is horrible. It looks like they are playing in some CGI game simulation.
  15. Yes, you do. Here is mine from when he was about a year old, maybe younger. He’s 15 now and still a Spurs fan.
  16. DeMeco is the perfect coach for this team! I love how he’s changed his sideline demeanor now that he is HC as well. He acted like he expected them to win that game. I love it. An Bobby needs to get some love too. He’s got one more season here as OC before he gets a shot of his own. I hope DeMeco has somebody in mind.
  17. What a great win! Stroud again shows out when it matters. This team is just fun to watch and cheer for!
  18. A perfect rainy night underway in SE Texas. We’ve already gotten about an inch and a half of rain. I’ve got the football game on the porch tv, a bourbon, and the trusty old one hitter. It’s a good night.
  19. Fat Mike has never learned how to play end of half/game football. He fucks it up every single chance he gets. It beyond ridiculous.
  20. Just be glad nobody melded a quarter to your tire.
  21. Played a couple of pickup games with Bob when he was coaching the Spurs. He said “passing the ball to you is like an automatic assist”. Bob was a good dude.
  22. It could be a rainy weekend.
  23. Stroud just threw for 5 TD’s and 470+ yards. Receiver is not a huge need. They need to get better up front on both sides of the ball.
  24. Wait, I thought Iran pinkie swore they weren’t pursuing nuclear weapons several years ago.
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