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Born to Run

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Everything posted by Born to Run

  1. Fished half day today solo. Caught a few, lost a few. Everyone I talked to had a slower day. Saw few fish and most I caught I didn't see. All were quality and healthy, no dinks. Had a pig on that just ran and ran damn near to backing and then turned and spit the hook without me getting a good look. Not sure which is worse, knowing or not knowing how big with a good visual. Guess I need to work Sat and go back once more next week before it's too hot.
  2. I've lived long enough for that area to be considered decent.
  3. Dammit! I blame growing in Houston for my occasional affinity for ETBF.
  4. A relative used to mail me NRA magazines back in the day and it was all fear porn and "good guy with a gun saves the day". Dude never got to save the day and shoot some marauding (likely black) thug and instead died of shitty life and health choices. Man he spent a lot of timing preparing to shoot another human.
  5. Yet most that oppose open carry would freak the fuck out if it was banned. I think it's the dumbest fucking thing and completely goes against notions of discretion and courtesy that was taught to us as young hunters. Don't frighten the non -gun owner. That's both courtesy and self-serving to protect your right to own guns. It's basic, don't be a dick and keep your rights. Now days it's fuck your feelings I'm going to parade my AR around. And for some reason we let the fringe set the rules.
  6. I grew in a shitty part of Houston and kept a loaded shotgun under my bed through high school. Carried on a commercial construction project when I went back to Houston and we were working nights. Everyone did and we still had issues. Moved to West Austin and haven't carried since. Pistol is in a safe by the bed. All my other guns are in a safe. I'm far more worried about gun accidents than I am about self defense. And anecdotally I know more people that have experienced death or injury due to gun accidents or friends or family going nuts (multiple horrible incidents) than from home invasion or robbery (zero shots fired). One of my friends that carries in Houston got robbed and when he tried to draw he got the fuck beaten out of him instead of just handing over his wallet and watch. Fuck living in fear or shooting someone over possessions. We sold the family ranch so my son hasn't had a ton of shooting experience since. I'm pretty leary of public gun ranges and we share many other hobbies that don't lead to fucking death. This
  7. Fun trip with a client last week to the Guad. Insane amount of fish, landed about 25 fish most all were 16-24. Fish everywhere we went . Caught 5 on streamers including a pb around 24 BUT FAT AF. fish were dumb but pick Ate mostly on tiny clesr nymphs. So much fun. Client landed roughly a 6lb most fun this year
  8. Except we choose to give an exceptional amount of power to the single winner of popular vote contest, then we decided to skew that vote to favor the winner of the common clay of the new west over general majorities. Then we did nothing to check that power when it proved to be dangerous and horrible. Then we ceded power to a retarded narcissistic who took us to the brink of facism, he barely ceded, we all ceded the threat was over and started whistling past our own graves. This is our concern dude.
  9. Refresh my memory, the only reminder is the lass on the left could take half my shit.
  10. Yo tambien. What do normal people use besides fingers?
  11. Red Beans and Rice most errday if it's a Monday over here. Sometimes with Tasso, or ham hocks, or old frozen pork scraps. Sometimes more vegetarian. Always slams
  12. He enjoys his livestreaming, just like his sex. Completely alone and on his computer.
  13. Sorry fellas my phone fucked up. A bunch more so than my usual fuckery.
  14. I was thinking he had inside info that the old bird was a freak in the sheets.
  15. Yep that's exactly it. I used to not feel comfortable eating a meal without milk, a soda or maybe a lemonade for a drink. It just wasn't "right". So I didn't drink sodas or anything with sugar for about a decade until water became normal, maybe sparkling water at a nice meal. I used to have a small dessert after dinner. Mostly nope there too. I used to get fries, mostly nope. If I do I'm splitting a small fry maybe. Over time I just don't want fries. I don't want carbs. But you start eating that shit and the body wants it more. I relaxed a bit, I'll order a coke on a plane because it's like 4oz of shit not 44 Oz and trust me after you obstain for awhile the little airline soda cup is amazing and enough sugar.
  16. 6-1 185, mid 40s here. Losing weight is hard because you really do have to make lifestyle changes and keep them. Forever. Which is fine if you want to enjoy your older years. The consistency is hard. I use all kinds of tricks to stay motivated, find what works for you and dont let excuses pop up. Every bit of effort matters. I use planned trips as motivation- got to be ready for that surf trip this July and i need strong shoulders; I need strong legs to protect my knees so i cant skip leg day. I have 20 min before my kids game starts- get in a short run, bang out some push ups, do some burpees. 30 min of yoga is better than none. Feel like shit, hit gym and give it 20 min, I almost always end up going full workout once there. Hire a trainer, prepay for classes -whatever it takes. Play sports with your kids. Go ref some games. Take the stairs. Walk more. All of it. I lift 3-5 times a week, do yoga 2-3x a week, paddle on the lake or swim and mountain bike. As you get older (mid 40s) injuries will sideline you creating excused to skip workouts which fucks shit up badly. When I last had a running injury and could no longer run I gained 10 lbs before I snapped to riding bikes and more yoga. Or my current knee injury, started gaining weight until I got in the gym and did whatever I could on crutches. If I can't burn a fuckload of calories then I have to eat clean and cut out booze completely. This week if I hit gym 5 days I'll reward myself with a few drinks for the basketball game and maybe some noach. Next week if I'm so busy I slack a bit, I gotta cut calories and fast some as my burn rate drops. Highly recommend strength training and HIT training versus repetitive cardio. I've seen too many people over train just doing running. Either way mix it up. A buddy of mine lost 40lbs just walking, playing disk golf and doing basic body resistance work like push-ups and pull-ups consistently- every day. My brother on the other hand does hard core Keto plus cardio but the cardio is inconsistent so hes always hungry and suffering and chubby and pretty weak. Even on vacation get in some work to mitigate extra calories and not fall back into a rut. It's enjoyable as shit to run in Central Park or bang out a workout in a hotel gym before a fun day. It's great to hit a yoga class at the beach instead of drinking or hammock time. I also enjoy vacation more if I mix in a few hours of strenuous effort surfing, hiking, skiing, gym time, yoga or sport fucking before chill time. Get your annual physical. Some get spiritual cause they see the light; some cause they feel the heat.
  17. How many HDMI ports does Jamal have?
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