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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Longhornfan1024

  1. So she's too smart for our country and we really just need a fucking moron in charge because he does a better job of communicating to the morons in our country. Got it.
  2. I love it when a client asks me to review one of those.
  3. The garage near Butler and the Manor garage pretty much always have space when a big event isn't going on. You should be fine to park in either.
  4. She's really fucking smart. It would be nice to have a really fucking smart person as our President again instead of a drooling man baby who communicates through word salad.
  5. The census bureau asks many questions that are not part of a count of residents, sure. I'll put aside whether they should and just focus on the question at issue. This is a question that objective data has showed will result in an inaccurate account of the population. The purpose of the census is the get an accurate count of the population. The purpose of the new question is to obtain information on immigration, which is immaterial to the purpose of the census. Should the census include a question that will undermine its constitutional purpose in order to get additional information that is immaterial to that constitutional purpose? Absolutely not. You seem to be making an argument that a bad act in the past excuses a bad act in the future. That's just straight up bullshit. Regardless of what was done in the 1950s, this isn't the 1950s and we know that including the question would undermine the purpose of the census. Therefore, it should not be included in the census.
  6. I suggest you take some time to actually articulate the point you think you are making. Because it doesn't appear that you're making any point relevant to my post.
  7. I'm not sure how that would work since the number of Reps is based upon persons. What do you do with the leftovers, if there are any?
  8. This is not the purpose of the census. If you want those numbers, do a different poll. The purpose of the census is to get an accurate count of people living in the US. You won't get that if you include a citizenship question. Your belief that the US Government should subvert the constitutional purpose for the census and use it to collect data on illegal immigration just proves your disdain for the Constitution.
  9. 340k per week? Jesus Christ, PSG. Way to blow up CB wages.
  10. He didn't even write the Art of the Deal. There's no fucking way he's actually read it.
  11. I can't look up from the game without a goal being scored. This is . . . getting out of hand.
  12. Just ask GRHorn, Onboard, Eurohorn, and Tahoe how they can believe it.
  13. Are you trying to make a point here?
  14. An interesting though I saw on WAGNH: CL qualification is worth about 50 million. Unless Real wants to really break the bank for him, it may be better long term to keep Hazard and let him go on a free next year (or cheap in January) since he's probably the difference between qualifying for CL and not. It may be the better move to keep him through the transfer ban and go for CL qualification than to let him leave and pretty much give up on CL. It would be a net loss of 30-50 million, but if we sell him now we can't replace him and if we make CL after he leaves we'll be a more attractive club for a replacement when the ban is over. Or, keep him through December and sell him for less in the January transfer window since that will allow CHO and RLC to get healthy. A fall without Hazard, CHO, and RLC and no replacements because of the ban would be doom for the team and may set us back more long term than taking a monetary hit by selling him for less in January or giving him up on a free next year.
  15. How near is near? Suerte is an Uber ride away, but it's finominel.
  16. Creepy fascination? She's hot and he wanted to fuck her. That's pretty much the extent of his thought process. Of all the horrible shit he's done in the name of getting laid, it'd be pretty poetic if he gets taken down because he gave too much access to a woman he wanted to fuck and she screwed him (figuratively).
  17. Pretty sure it's slorch or crusher. I negged both of them yesterday and got neg from Ptown despite never having interacted with him.
  18. This thread is incredibly confusing to read without Ptown's posts. And yeah, he must be someone's sock because I woke up to 5 negs too and I have no idea who he is.
  19. I think he was just banned. His profile is showing no activity.
  20. If only the libtards in Virginia had passed a law requiring all living people to carry a gun, there would have been a good guy with a gun there to stop it. Sure, science says forcing a gun into a woman's womb might be deadly, but the fetus deserves to protect itself too and I'm sure if the woman prays enough she will be fine.
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