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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BurdineBandit

  1. Just an observation here, and our tough ass schedule has probably already been discussed in the thread, but I saw a tweet from the Jazz about how nobody is talking about their winning streak, which is now up to 10. Their opponents? Nets, Wiz, Hornets, NY, NO, Magic, Bulls, Pistons, Clippers, Blazers. Tonight they play NO again. If you go back another 6, there's only 1 team with a winning record in that group too. 2 of their last 16 opponents had winning records. Maybe this happens every year with this many teams, but how they get a run like that, 16 games w/ 14 losing teams, and we get 16 games with only 6 losing teams, but 2 coming against the Grizzlies, who are hot af right now but still under .500. Anyways. GSG. Tough one tonight.
  2. 100%. Mueller is the ugliest HEB in town. How is the BBQ/Beer end so nice but the actual grocery side looks like a crossfit warehouse. Allandale is a good one, for being in such a busy area there sure is parking all the time, and quick service. I try to keep it real and stay to my neighborhood E. 7th location. They finally finished the updates and the beer section is great, I like it. Even though I've heard (white) people complain about how shitty it is. The clientele is changing rapidly, obviously.
  3. Holy shit, I left the movie thinking of Good Time, which I streamed years ago on my laptop. I don't remember much about the movie other than it was average, but super chaotic and trying to be "edgy" with all the street shit. It's allllll making sense now.
  4. IIRC they were usually San Antonio 9s. Which is like Austin 6s. Not sure what you're all riled up about, seen hotter on campus. Does this new style of 3-ball continue for LMA/DDR or is this just a hot streak that will be over in a week? And Patty is having a hell of a season. His performances for Australia in the off-season really had me wondering how we could run a guy like that out of SA. He still has a valuable part on the bench, as long as he's surrounded by the right guys (i.e. not Forbes).
  5. Almost word-for-word. I generally like Sandler, and thought his acting here was fine, he played a part I hadn't really seen him in before, and was serious the entire damn movie, but it was indeed a beating. It seemed like they were force-feeding him these frantic scenes so he could do his trademark yell and make some noise, which didn't really add much to the movie. I'm also not a fan of being thrown into the shit without a second to even get to know the characters. The pacing was odd as hell. Had no idea why I was supposed to care about his mistress when they gave her a big scene, and by the end of the movie I was also relieved with the twist. I agree the experience was not enjoyable, I didn't actually enjoy sitting there watching the movie, and that seems like a cardinal sin in movie-making, but to call the movie itself "good" is also not something I'd be willing to say. The story/script was ok at best, imo.
  6. Check, check, check. I agree Pt. 1 of Foals' album was better. I like the run they've been on since I first gave them a shot around 2012. I really wanted to like that album but most of it was skip-worthy. They've improved tons since. I'm not sure I "loved" 10 albums this year, but if I had to make a Top list, these 3 would be on it. Add: YBN Cordae - The Lost Boy Other albums I enjoyed but not sure I'd put on a Top list for the year: Schoolboy Q - Crash Talk Gary Clark Jr. - This Land Durand Jones & The Indications - American Love Call
  7. Related: I had a high school History teacher at a large school in Houston that I'm sure got parent complaints every year that she taught (got one from my best friend's parents, and we're Mexican-American) because she integrated Black history into her semester. I think the complaints started because she would take a day and focus on lynching and show us the graphic details. Of course it was the one time parents wished that she would teach according to the book, or test, or whatever shitty argument they could make. I had a feeling at 16 that learning it was more important than their arguments bc they were probably just ignoring their internal racism anyway, but the older I get the more I realize how important teachers like that are. I learned about the massacre of "Black Wall Street" early. And was willing to listen and absorb it because I learned about the Texas Rangers' murderous activities from folklore passed down to my dad (who grew up in Kingsville, near ground zero). Now this stuff is coming out into the public and it reaffirms that we learn such a bullshit history as children/teenagers. Indoctrination.
  8. I know LMA isn't here much longer, and hasn't been good for a couple years now, but since last year I've been saying I'd have more faith in him taking the last shot rather than DeRozan. I have more faith in Patty, LMA, Lonnie, Derrick than I do DeRozan. Funny that it took Pop this long though.
  9. Very well, just on edge for trolls in this tumultuous time.
  10. That makes complete sense, and also means the op made up the "last night" part out of thin air.
  11. Pretty sure whatever native group made tamales didn't put chicken and cheese in them either but that shit's delicious so we accept it. Same with Ketchup. Fight me. Will be in RGV for christmas and definitely have plans to hit up Delia's, but first gotta see what local tia/grandma the family has bought from in the Mercedes/SantaRosa/La Feria metroplex and how the batch turned out before I make any purchasing decisions.
  12. You don't "accidentally" see that someone followed someone else on twitter, either they're on the followers list or he made it up. Negged.
  13. Screamin' Sicilian and Home Run Inn are probably my top 2. For 6-7 bucks it's a value imo. Compared to a chain pizza at the same price.
  14. I was wondering if that's South texas style. Been doing it forever, but social media "real" Mexicans have taken offense to it. I enjoy ketchup just as much as I do a green salsa on my tamales.
  15. Jerry also just got suckered into a whole ass adventure with a talking cat because he's Jerry. After being suckered into creating an app by an alien with "don't create my app" tattooed on his face. I was extra throwed Sunday night so I barely remember bits and pieces of the episode, but luckily caught the rewatch last night and it was certainly out there. I liked it. It was a fun adventure. The alien cat was confusing but I did like its ending as the caught up on its history and decided it wasn't worth remembering.
  16. I'm looking forward to seeing us in action against a good team. I hope we get to continue to groom Foster, Overshown and Chris Brown to start next season. It was cool to see them step up after gifting Tech 14 to start that game and I'd be excited to see them fly around and hit mf'ers in a less wide-open offense. This also might be the type of offense our LBs need to look good. On offense? Is Collin playing or not? Because otherwise I have no real high hopes.
  17. Checks to pay taxes, bc fuck 'em, that's why! At least it'd be a lot cooler if that was the reasoning.
  18. He has a weird nostalgic streak in him. He loooooves Mack just as much as he loooooves the Eagles, who he started 2 games for over 2 years in 2013-2014, before retiring. I used to enjoy the twitter account until he started becoming a sports "persona" and actually had opinions on things.
  19. He definitely played with his ass on fire. For better or worse. He had some bad jumpers he forced completely. I'm not sure I'm on the "DJM is the best player on this team" bandwagon anymore. When DW plays this strong over entire games, it reminds me how reliable and relentless he can be."
  20. I was about to ask whether that drop yesterday was the first of his career, couldn't remember if he got his first earlier this year, but that would've been pretty funny to have it on his last game ever. And completely forgiveable for the type of player he's been for us. I'm going to miss him. Damn shame it took most of the season for us to get other guys involved without Collin. Once the pressure was away from Devin he had huge games. Biletnikoff can suck a dick.
  21. CDC gotta get rid of this notion that we hit record numbers of season tickets because of all the bells and whistles he put around our stadium. I genuinely like Bevo Blvd and the HOF shit, it's cool, but people bought season tickets because we finished last year with a sugar bowl win and a 2nd year head coach that seemed promising. Not because people want to come to the games to hear DJ Mel play his weird hip hop instrumental mixes on every damn clock stoppage that the band doesn't play (70+% imo). Football is what gets people excited.
  22. Was just about to post this. Re-watching the new episode. Great one.
  23. Welp half the trip to SA was just to see my family for a bit. At least I did that, bc that game was the biggest playoff ass kicking I've ever seen in person. Def the worst loss I've ever seen La Feria take. It's surprising LH went 5-5.
  24. I'll be in San Antonio Heroes Stadium for the Liberty Hill vs. La Feria game. Winner gets Lampasas winner I believe. Let's go RGV.
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