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Everything posted by n64ra

  1. Anyone finding an orange Astros 2021 World Series shirt online that doesn't mention Atlanta? All I can find is this one https://www.mlbshop.com/houston-astros/mens-houston-astros-nike-orange-2021-world-series-bound-icon-t-shirt/t-58884263+p-93599682316+z-7-4275296586?_ref=p-CLP:m-GRID:i-r0c0:po-0 I don't care for the design or use of "H-Town" but all other shirts are blue, black, grey, or AL Champion themed. Thanks
  2. A couple of teams hand a chance to beat them so I can see them losing to one of BU, ISU, and OSU. Still gets them either #1 or #2 in the conference then they win the Big 12 CCG.
  3. It doesn't matter. Undefeated or 1 loss OU is in the CFP.
  4. What if the HC lets players rape coeds while getting a pair of 11-2 seasons and 1.5 conference titles with BU level resources??
  5. But the article would have been entitled "That's life (baseball), Astros".
  6. It's why I skipped games 1 and 2 of the ALCS (and the other 3 ALDS games). Definitely thinking about not turning it on, but it's hard to keep skipping.
  7. Hard to believe that aggy has two wins against bama since they joined the SEC, which is the same as Ole Miss and Clemson. Only Auburn has more wins against bama in that time frame - three. LSU, OU, and Ohio St each have one win against bama since 2012. And that covers all the bama loses since 2012.
  8. Who do you think I am, commissioner of the NFL?
  9. That's right. We got the guy we disliked fired so nothing else to see here.
  10. If we have a large halftime lead in either game, we'll still likely lose. Or maybe Sark uses year two to teach the team about the second half?
  11. One yard in the entire quarter? WTF!
  12. I'm nervous, guys. I plan to watch the game, which almost always makes the Astros lose. Most recent source: watched 1 ALDS game and CWS won it.
  13. I take solace in that Bama isn't losing another regular season game this year thus aggy ain't winning the West.
  14. Williams probably never practiced a two point conversion at OU.
  15. yea, that's what I meant. Blown lead where we ended up losing. Great stat for Sark to have.
  16. anyone got the stat on biggest blown lead by Texas football?
  17. We're not winning out. Easy enough to lose against OSU.
  18. Worst second half of football ever seen. How can you give up such a lead??? Fuck sark
  19. He'll be coaching somewhere at the collegiate level.
  20. Worry less about Heisman and worry more about beating OU.
  21. I smile anytime a coach beats aggy. This time it happened to be Leach's team, but no surprise there as I think Leach was 7-3 against them while at TTU. Now he's 1-1 against aggy while at MSU. I expect that's only grow in Leach's favor.
  22. Let me check the time. Oh, what does it matter - OU still sucks.
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