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Scary Stranger

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Everything posted by Scary Stranger

  1. At least they always get to make out at the end of the commercial. Always.
  2. Felt like we were missing an episode that showed Nate quitting.
  3. I'm hoping that the only survivor next week is Hank.
  4. Yeah, this was not good. Plaza was using the voice she used when she was playing make believe with Burt Macklin, FBI on Parks and Rec. except she kept it up for the entire movie.
  5. This has hit the torrents so it probably means it will be out on PPV shortly.
  6. That Mass Mutual commercial cracks me up every single time.
  7. Fuck you and your Grubauer becoming a story!!! (To ESPN obviously)
  8. LOL and Spystud makes an appearance in the comments throwing haymakers.
  9. Somewhat. Most of the good posters in the comments have left but the daily articles still happen. The guys running it have gotten crustier for sure.
  10. Take your victory and move on.
  11. Freaking Pharma ones are the worst. I don't have plaque psoriasis or the HIV, thanks.
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