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The Dog

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by The Dog

  1. The problem is he and his lawyers keep changing their story/argument between whether they were personal, or declassified, or something else that they come up with. Not initially - first she'll have multiple hearings on the matter and issue several paperless orders asking for clarification and comment from both parties. Then she'll make some nonsensical ruling that references the wrong statute. Smith will point out the correct statute along with another threat to go to the 11th circuit. THEN she'll reject it to prevent any appeal from happening because at this point anything that goes to the 11th circuit runs the risk of her being removed. She's trying to thread the needle of being totally in the tank for Trump while also having no idea how to achieve that.
  2. The Dog

    USMNT 2024

    This is CONCACAF-level pettiness and I love it.
  3. Pretty much. From what I gather: 1. Trump has about $400 million in cash on hand. That's obviously less than the judgment so assets would have to be liquidated in order to pay the bill once enforced. 2. He doesn't have to pay the cash/bond in order to appeal - only to defer execution of judgment (which according to #1 he doesn't have, so it will be at risk) 3. James has indicated she wants to execute the judgment even while on appeal since he won't be able to put up the cash/bond. She wants to start liquidating TrumpCo assets immediately in order to start collecting. So yeah, he's ruined.
  4. Playing an extra game isn't a better deal.
  5. Dominion about to get paid again.
  6. Think you are confusing him with Nix - Nix is the one who struggled in Senior Bowl practices. Penis was named one of the top 10 "winners" from Senior Bowl practices: https://www.nfl.com/news/2024-senior-bowl-daniel-jeremiah-s-top-10-nfl-draft-winners-from-week-of-practice
  7. Impact - he won't deliver on the sales and keep the cash:
  8. Exactly. What I'm wondering if whether or not this becomes an inflection point for Trump. Trump only cares about his money and once his lawyers aren't being paid by the PACs then it's going to need to come from somewhere else. Keep in mind that the GOP is rumored to only have about $8 million in cash on hand. That's less than two months' worth of legal bills based on what he paid last year and that was without billing for criminal defense trials. It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. If no benefactor shows up then it's time for him to pay out of his own pocket - will that cause him to finally seek a deal?
  9. I don't understand the hand-wringing either. We got Sark at a discount and now he needs to be paid in line with other playoff coaches. His original contract was also fully guaranteed IIRC. Sark was #30 on the "highest paid coaches" list: https://sports.usatoday.com/ncaa/salaries/football/coach Some of these dudes are WAAAAY over paid.
  10. as big and gawdy as these numbers are I think the real number to be watching is his legal fees. The PACs that are funding his legal team(s) are running out of money and he has several high-profile trials on the horizon.
  11. I just read (can't find it on desktop dammit) that the bond for appeal in this case is 120% of the judgment. Also, this judgment doesn't include the 9% interest tacked on so it's more like $450 million so the bond will have to be 120% of whatever that amount is.
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