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former alkie

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Everything posted by former alkie

  1. Both of my kids, plus several co-workers, frequently tell me that I’m loon. This pretty much comfirms it.....and those 2 loons are absolutely correct.
  2. There are indeed some wimpy pits out there, so I reckon there are some here and there that can be, “beat the shit out of,” by Mr. He-Man. A trained fighting pit would latch your neck and kill you.....then go after your loved ones, just out of spite.
  3. Reservoir Dogs Pulp Fiction At Close Range Deer Hunter Silence of the Lambs Fast Times Big Lebowski There Will Be Blood Platoon Up In Smoke / Dumb and Dumber
  4. Seriously?? Are you ill? If there is/was a Jesus, he hates you
  5. Mostly 7, sometimes 8 Righty Haven’t written in cursive in 35+ years, so have completely forgotten how to.....except for my signature
  6. This is correct.....but to start, the no-brainers are: RB: Earl QB: Tom Brady Corner: Deion Sanders
  7. Completely agree. He’s always articulate, and seems to make good points.
  8. Huge Cowboy fan here.....but Eagles just got fucked on that call
  9. I envy you......seriously Relaxing at home, watching football, catching a killer buzz, hanging with your dog, and zero responsibilities Damn you, you lucky bastard \,,/
  10. Sorry, wasn’t trying to piss on the team, or the win. Just a fan, who knows Texas could, maybe should be 10-0........but instead, 7-3. Feels like, over the course of the recent past, the fandom has just become satisfied with a fairly mediocre record......I guess as opposed to a .500 or below. I get it, and again apologize for being a pessimistic-type fan.
  11. My bold prediction, is that your bold prediction will be predictably correct.
  12. That, and $1, will buy you a cup of coffee. Wins a win, regardless
  13. That’s a sad, pathetic fact
  14. Thank you for unintentionally supporting my original point. People are so g-damn sensitive, and easily offended...it borders on embarrassing.
  15. I feel sorry for the kids whose parents think horns down is a taunt. These kids will grow up, get a job, and cry like tits when they don’t get exemplary performance evaluations.....even though they’re just spare employees. Jesus, what this wimpy ass country has become.....sad.
  16. Well then, I wish Texas would cheat
  17. Yea.....the no underwear route does require a little pocket-pool, especially when one has the low-dangling ball(s) syndrome
  18. I’ve never really understood the purpose of underwear. So, I just unzip, whip it out, pee, shake it a couple times to avoid drippage(sp), zip back up, and split the scene.
  19. Damn.. your company is still on AIM? I’m too dumb to know what AIM is. All I know is, we can IM each other, instead of email, if we choose.
  20. When someone IM’s me, asking me to call them. I ignore them, unless it my boss’s boss, of their boss.
  21. Time travel is bullshit. In reality, one can study and learn from the past, one can think about and somewhat plan on the future. The present is just the present, man. As for movies, I’ll take my kids to see all those stupid action, sci-fi, type shows.......but sometimes I force them to watch more realistic dramas, and documentaries.
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