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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by TKthunder2

  1. Would be very difficult for that to happen, as you’d have to get ESPN and the SEC to agree. Locking down a few out of conference games with Big 12 teams is the path of least resistance, even if it’s not our favorite option.
  2. Hiring ahead of your attrition rate was a big deal over the last decade in tech. While cutting certain departments down to the most efficient head count (fewest) they could manage to get the job done, it quickly became apparent that you couldn’t stay on top of your work as soon as you had attrition. And while cutting cost is good for the stock holders on the surface, not getting development, support or implemented on schedule is bad for retaining clients and revenue. As a result workforce management runs numbers to anticipate hiring needs relative to workload and attrition rates so that they can keep running lean without falling too far behind in their business needs. If it take 3 months to get someone fully trained up then you’re typically 3 months behind (not to mention the front-loaded lag time from recruiting, HR, new hire orientation, etc). When you hear slowing down hiring, it typically means they are adjust those numbers due to lower than expected attrition. If I hired two new devs in Q3 in anticipation that 2 would leave between Q4/Q1 and none have left, then slowing down hiring is completely normal and almost a nonevent as the team is now sitting heavy in headcount (which also makes it ripe for layoffs, either cutting underperformers or high cost employees that no longer justify the salary). This is only noteworthy because it’s happening at scale across the industry and now the talent market (which has been bereft of talent recently) is now flooded with a few hundred thousand new applicants. I’d only get concerned if we see another round of layoffs later this year at this same scale. The market correction is good for the business and recent events have given just about every company a free pass to recalibrate their talent. I feel for anyone that was affect by this but on the bright side if tech keeps growing most of these people will find new jobs within a few months.
  3. Everything you said is true, but he’s not a true dictator or else elections (even rigged ones) wouldn’t happen. If he appears to bend to the West and the religious/conservatives will not be happy and the “election” would give them an opportunity do express that unhappiness. The liberal/progressives (if you can even call them that) could also join the protest (because why not take advantage) and that is often the prefect precursor for lightning the fuse on a regime change. Fake dictators stay in power by giving the illusion of choice but that illusion can be dangerous…which is why these “elections” are still politically important in regards to the NATO elevations.
  4. Seems like a lot of people are glossing over this little tidbit. ”With an election slated for May, Erdogan is aiming to burnish his support from religious conservatives.” I would bet after the May election they “negotiate” and they all are singing Kumbaya by the Annual NATO Labor Day cookout.
  5. Zero, only 46 Johns. It was sting on the clients only.
  6. Men that see this bust in that area may temporarily lower their frequency of visits to prostitutes. But in a few months or even weeks it’ll be right back to normal. Enforcement shit like this is pointless.
  7. So we just remodeled the kitchen and the wife bought two dishwashers so that she didn’t have to put shit away all the time. Not a joke.
  8. It’s doesn’t clear anything. Something is fucked up on the backend. and yes I checked, my $3.50 has been paid
  9. They will not place officials in their house to make sure you fuck and then follow the women around to make sure they carry to term. That is just dumb. The only semi realistic option I’ve seen would be for them to open a series of state sponsored brothels. The best and brights of the men will get to visit and the women will be forced and paid big money to carry to term. Women do not want the personal burden of having kids so China will have to take them on as wards of the state. The girls would be be forced into the brothels until they crank out 4-5 kids and then they would work in the state sponsored daycare for a period of years until they marry one of the numerous unmarried males while still in their childbearing years who may also want children for their own family line. The males will be trained and judged on results and sent out into the world accordingly to the state’s judgement. This would be a way to increase the population, alleviate sexual frustration of the elite class that could cause issues politically, keep children completely indoctrinated by the state in their early developmental years, and remove the burden of people taking care of their elders for a large portion of society in the future which is a top reason people are avoiding having kids today. It’s a pretty disgusting idea that could only work in a system where the state has absolute authority which means it’s perfectly realistic for someone like China.
  10. Clearly a theme from school this week with my 6yo. ”Dr Martin Luther King JR wanted all people to have the same skin color as him” Playing pretend with a kids doctor set with his 3 yo sister… “Do you want to be a nurse or Dr Martin Luther King JR?”
  11. Yep dead as fuck, UH threw a huge fit and since UT bought the land “in secret” the legislature basically lampooned it and lobbed not so subtle threats as to what could happen if we went ahead with the plans. Basically nobody had a chance to line their pockets so they were pissed and sided with UH as it was an easy way to get back at UT.
  12. https://www.goodbullhunting.com/platform/amp/2023/1/19/23557588/where-did-texas-a-m-aggies-transfer-portal-players-end-up
  13. Guy could switch over to the world of $9.95 if this conference realignment fan fiction gig doesn’t work out for him…
  14. Is this the realignment thread? Big 12=Germany, US=Texas
  15. DM you my contractor’s info. He’ll ballpark you if you got a rough idea of what you want.
  16. These are generally fair posts but let’s not act like 6 Original B12 members: Tech, Baylor, Iowa State, Kansas, K State, and Oklahoma State had nothing to do with the previous issues as well. And yes some things have been done like restricting the LHN from broadcasting high school events (even those held on our own campus) and trying to limit NIL budgets. Still overall I agree that this move was likely for the best for everyone involved.
  17. Let’s do this for the 100th time… Back in the late 90’s before 12 game schedules were a permanent fixture and before FOX had college football, there were only so many broadcast windows. Texas football was popular, Baylor (for example) was not. Texas had most of its games broadcasted and Baylor had very few. The UNEQUAL revenue sharing was to compensate Texas for having more games on TV. Yes, as a reward, but also because without unequal revenue Baylor and the other less popular schools would have made MORE money off PPV than Texas did because they did not share 3rd tier rights. Texas would be lucky to get access to one football game a year that it could sell on PPV, while Kansas and Baylor could sell most of their games and keep those profits. Obviously that was the reason for unequal revenue sharing. Not because the Big 12 was thankful for Texas. Texas didn’t like this system and wanted to push for a joint network (before the BTN ever existed) to share those 3rd tier rights, but the smaller schools shot down that idea and said it would be a failure because they didn’t want to risk their PPV income. When the Big12 voted down the conference network Texas tried to do a joint network with aggy and later alone but neither were successful as Texas didn’t not have a lot of guaranteed inventory to make that was predictable year in year out. When the conference blew up thanks to corn and aggy, Texas offered to go full equal revenue with the remaining schools, in exchange for some guaranteed third tier inventory which ESPN quickly gobbled up. This was completely predictable and Texas never hid its desire for a network but when the news came out it was as if Texas had somehow fucked over the Big 12 despite just giving them a shit load more money each year. The Big 12 didn’t “allow” any of these things. They were obvious decisions that had to be made at the time. The Big 12 have never in its history been a forward thinking, progressive organization. The other schools are only self interested and never think past their immediate gratification. Start a Big 12 Network…nope…NU/CU leave…let’s give Texas/Oklahoma more of the exit fee to stay (which they declined because they knew it would be thrown back in their face years later)…EQUAL revenue sharing for guaranteed third tier rights…ABSOLUTELY…LHN started with those same rights…let’s bitch about that for the next decade and bemoan the lack of a conference network (despite voting down that idea years ago) and pass rules and restrictions on what they can and cannot do. The Big 12 has no one to blame but themselves for their incompetence.
  18. I have multiple TVs as well and I went back and looked at the PAC12’s regular season schedule and figured I watched about 1.5 games per week on average. More than the ACC but less than any other P5 conferences. That being said, when you remove USC/UCLA from that equation that number drops to just 1 game a week. I noticed that every game I watched was on ABC/ESPN or FOX. I did not watch (or at least remember watching) any games on ESPN2/U or FS1/2/+ (though honestly I might have split screened one in on the ESPN app if nothing else was on though it wasn’t memorable). If the PAC12 was pulled off ESPN/FOX entirely, I’m not sure how many of those I would watch. The answer is obviously not zero, but I think it’s reasonable to say it will be less than the 1 a week that I currently tune into. Changing the app isn’t a huge deal breaker but it is more cumbersome and unless there is nothing else on or it’s a highly ranked matchup I’m far less likely to tune into Amazon than simply flipping to the channel or adding it to my multi view on the ESPN or FOX apps…and that WILL drive down viewership, exposure, and their future earnings.
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