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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hornbri

  1. I saw a guy in front of me try it and he got denied.
  2. Or the article is just wrong? That happens you know, not everything you read is true.
  3. 51-49 right down party lines. (opps nope Murkowski was a no and Manchin was a yes.)
  4. Apple with a pretty strong statement - https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2018/10/what-businessweek-got-wrong-about-apple/
  5. So D's and R's both based their opinion based on party and not any testimony. That show how political it is, Independents are surprisingly close to even in thoughts.
  6. Blue Dragon Plumbing, Family owned, very friendly, and priced fair.
  7. you keep saying it and hope it becomes true
  8. even mainstream media does not agree with this. But hey say it as fact.
  9. I think its fucked up that you don't say "allegedly" tried to rape someone. You are so convinced it happened it is as crazy as those that are so convinced there is no way it ever happened.
  10. Pence also said today it is going to happen. They are circling the wagons here and barring some huge change when/if she testifies next week this is happening.
  11. That is fine, but I was responding to the "question the other witnesses" part. I agree those are relevant parties that could be talked to, of course any FBI investigation is going to start by questioning her.
  12. What other witnesses? 2 of the 3 people are already being asked to testify, I guess they could ask the Judge guy to come in and I think he in fact would.
  13. They are going to pretty much ask what the FBI would ask. When and where did this occur? Were there any other witnesses that can back this up? Any other proof? If the answer to all that is I don't know and No then they are done, there is no way anyone could investigate more as there is no where to go.
  14. Which gives weight to the argument this is politically. She wants the R senators to have to question her so they they can get raked across the coals buy the Ds. If she really just wants the truth to come out it should not matter who asks the questions.
  15. I don't know, the more she puts it off the more it looks politically motivated on her part. This seems like a pretty good chance for her to tell her story. The accuser should always testify first so the accused has a chance to defend.
  16. https://www.npr.org/2018/09/20/649787076/kavanaugh-accuser-classmate-that-it-happened-or-not-i-have-no-idea So much for the facebook post that got so much attention a few pages back.
  17. Can we agree to stop talking about it? so so good, let's not make it crowded.
  18. a lot different then only 2 support but SPIN SPIN SPIN
  19. Well is said that only two replied, many of the others did not respond or were not reached. But hey twist the news however you would like.
  20. In stadium countdown says we have 19 more minutes and the stadium is filling up nicely. Student section is very full. This might be fun.
  21. I went a couple weeks ago on a weekend night and all the tables were full but the bar had seating. So it was crowded (and a very good meal).
  22. Seriously, just do this. You don't need to pay someone 1.2%
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