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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TwiceHorn

  1. You raise a pretty valid point. This is a weird little statute on NYs books. But, it gets prosecuted with some regularity, although I think in contexts where someone is actually deceived. Especially where the deception occurs in the course of the "second" crime that elevates it to a felony.
  2. Not familiar with the Chinese and the concept of "face" are ya?
  3. There is also a notion that he might plead at the 11th hour or ask the jury to convict only on the misdemeanor level false documents charges without the connection to the other crime, that makes it a felony.
  4. To a large extent, most of us started drinking as a response to unpleasant emotions. Maybe everyone does to a greater or lesser degree; I can't speak for the normies. But the beginning of the pathology was that it displaced any coping mechanisms we should have developed. The Friday into Saturday into Monday sounds very familiar to me, but the instances where I could control it were few and far between even if the initial imbibing began not, at least on the surface, as an emotional response. You are at the point that you have recognized a potential problem. The acid test now may be to see if you can just quit.
  5. https://news.google.com/articles/CBMiZ2h0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lm5iY25ld3MuY29tL3BvbGl0aWNzL2RvbmFsZC10cnVtcC90cnVtcC1odXNoLW1vbmV5LXRyaWFsLW5ldy15b3JrLWp1cnktc2VsZWN0aW9uLXJjbmExNDU5MzjSAStodHRwczovL3d3dy5uYmNuZXdzLmNvbS9uZXdzL2FtcC9yY25hMTQ1OTM4?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen Unusually good NBC story covers the process.
  6. Big trial with well known defendant usually starts with a bigger panel than a no-name trial. Each of the jurors has likely filled out a lengthy written questionnaire. The lawyers are probably given more than the usual six or twelve strikes. The questioning of the panel will begin with questionnaire answers and then move to the ad hoc question that are more typical.
  7. That poor calf is about to get sued.
  8. With the US Constitution reprinted in it and a Lee Greenwood song. Jesus wept. And then was exceeding wroth.
  9. Fuck that, I'm gonna gut that fat ass pig-eyed bitch like a fish. Except I'll leave her entrails sitting her lap so she can look at them.
  10. Unlike a Chapter 7 and 13, where a panel of private attorneys do the work of supervising the debtor and collecting the bankruptcy estate for liquidation or distribution according to a 13 plan, the only trustee in an 11 is the US Trustee and they are pretty hands off for a legit debtor. But like most court things, a judge, whether severe or lenient, doesn't exercise much power until moved to do so by one of the parties which includes the US Trustee in an 11.
  11. Interesting article. Although Reacher may be kind of trite and he a bit wooden, he seems oddly likeable, but I wondered about his Christianity and other things. Seems like a solid dude.
  12. The residential construction industry groaning about being sued for building shitty houses. Wait, that already happened. https://www.dentonlaw.com/news-and-articles/residential-construction-defects/
  13. So, are your clients "little guys" or moneyed interests of the type who in the past supported tort reform?
  14. Maybe try not being a cunt. And keep your shitty politics in the cloak room.
  15. Article is kind of fucky in the sense that it implies or states that remaining Trump's lawyer insulates him from testifying against Trump in the documents case. It does not.
  16. It is true that perjury of some sort goes on in courtrooms all across the country, not to mention in affidavits and declarations, every single day, multiple times. And prosecutions for perjury are rare, whether of rich or of poor. Exceedingly rare compared to the amount of perjury. A lot of this is due to the materiality of the perjury: it's either a minor, immaterial point or the credibility of the witness is so bad everyone knows they're lying. The other issue is that to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt can be quite difficult.
  17. Suing is a civil liberty in the United States that is unmatched elsewhere in the world. As brisket notes, efforts to "get the lawyers under control" always hurt those with meritorious claims more than anyone else. How about we try getting the insurers under control?
  18. Key takeaway (yes I clicked on fox dammit): On Wednesday, House republicans derailed Speaker Mike Johnson’s effort to renew the legislation after former President Trump confused Section 702 with FISA Title 1, directing lawmakers to tank the bill on Truth Social. "KILL FISA, IT WAS ILLEGALLY USED AGAINST ME, AND MANY OTHERS. THEY SPIED ON MY CAMPAIGN!!!" he wrote. Fucking lickspittles.
  19. Smith's appointment did not signal the commencement of the investigation. Smith was appointed when Trump announced his candidacy and created an apparent conflict of interest between him and the administration (prior to that, it was theoretical). That is the ONLY reason Smith was appointed. Special Counsel are not roving badasses. They are appointed when there is a conflict of interest between the DOJ/Administration and the target of an investigation. Smith, being appointed to do one thing, did focus the investigation, most assuredly, and freed it from the hierarchy and bureaucracy of the DOJ. There are some innuendos that various factions in the DOJ didn't want to indict Trump and others were in disagreement about what crimes he committed and for what he should be indicted. Smith bypassed a lot of that, and it's pretty clear that he is single-minded and tough.
  20. I have skimmed things. The objection from James is that Knight Specialty Insurance is a "non-admiited carrier" without a certificate of qualification under Insurance Law S. 1111. The objection is here, if the linky stays live. https://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/nyscef/ViewDocument?docIndex=s4dpZ_PLUS_u0rxLM_PLUS_xsccBGwbw== The bond, known as an "undertaking" in NY law, is a quite informal document compared to what you might see in another jurisdiction, where the bond is likely an instrument of commercial paper paid to the order of the Plaintiff upon certain conditions, to wit, affirmance of the judgment, affirmance of part of the judgment, or dismissal of the appeal. The undertaking may be viewed here. https://eddsa.blob.core.usgovcloudapi.net/public/452564_2022_PEOPLE_OF_THE_STATE_OF_v_PEOPLE_OF_THE_STATE_OF_BOND_UNDERTAKING_1707.pdf According to the law, CPLR 5519, the undertaking is: an undertaking in that sum [the amount of the judgment] is given that if the judgment or order appealed from, or any part of it, is affirmed, or the appeal is dismissed, the appellant or moving party shall pay the amount directed to be paid by the judgment or order, or the part of it as to which the judgment or order is affirmed; So not just a hell of a lot of precision there. But the AG's objection is set forth above and appears to be directed to the capacity of Knight to do insurance business in the State of NY.
  21. See, here's where you're wrong. The Supreme Court has never really cared about facts. Those get handled in the courts below. It may be more obvious that the court is cherry-picking cases with certain fact patterns now that it is full-on activist, but that's the way it has always been.
  22. It is an inherently pay-for-play system. I'm not sure how we escape that. Public defenders are getting better in the criminal arena because of the spotlight you mention. There are other areas, such as contingent-fee litigation, where little or smaller guys are getting top-notch, vigorous representation, but that's in pretty limited circumstances in civil cases. Trumpco is milking available procedures for all they are worth, but it's not working very well outside of Cannon's court, as you note, even in the pretty short term. One thing we have to acknowledge is that Trump is unprecedented in virtually every area that pertains to government institution and his abuse of same. The institutions were unprepared for the likes of him. In the courts, that lack of preparation takes the form of novel legal questions, so-called "issues of first impression." As a corrupt former President, Trump has presented those in spades unfortunately. But the judicial system has dealt with them better than other institutions of government. As has been noted, courts are a fundamentally fact-based forum, where Trump's bullshit is far less likely to work than other fora.
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